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Paypal BS/ spam

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:21 am
by KUS
I would suggest that the item below is BS as I have NOT used Paypal. Another clue may be that these losers can't spell :roll:
Dear PayPal client,

While performing it's regular scheduled monthly billing address check our system found incompatible information which seams to be no longer the same with your current credit card information that we have on file. If you changed your billing information or if you moved from you previous address please follow up the link bellow and update your billing information: If you didn't change any of this information you still need to follow up the previous link and update your existing billing information because it means that our database regular scheduled update wasn't made correctly. Choosing to ignore this message will result in to a temporary suspension of your account within 24 hours, until you will choose to solve this unpleasant situation.

We apologies for any inconvinience this may caused you and we strongly advise you to update your information you have on file with us. Clicking [BOGUS LINK REMOVED] you will avoid any possible futuring billing problems with your account.

Best regards,
- PayPal Team.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:41 am
by Voostra
Considering it should be too...

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:55 am
by ~ pimp hand ~
... i have a PP account and have never been spamed by them

looks like someone may have created a paypal account with your email KUS?

Thats a scam...

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 9:31 am
by bwd
Hey Kus I get these about once a month. I also get ones claiming to be from the Royal Bank, CIBC, Capital Savings etc, all claiming that I have to update my credit card info and to click on a link. NEVER click on a link from an email like that. You'll either get a nasty virus, or you will be giving away your password. I just ignore them, or go directly to paypal by typing it in you browser ( and logging into your account to check if there are any changes needed. BTW, and are the same thing.

The email is not from paypal, it's just from some loser in another country fishing around to try and get passwords or credit card info - if they get it they could clean out your account.

If you right click inside the message then select View Source, you will most likely find that the paypal link that you are supposed to click on goes to some IP address and not to Also paypal and Royal Bank website have lots of information about this type of scam. I get emails about credit cards and banks I don't even have so they are not too smart, as you found out with the spelling,



Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 9:36 am
by KUS
figured, I posted for anyone who's donated to the site via the new paypal button who mighta thought this was on the level 8)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:07 pm
by tam

Yes, definately spam.. When accessing online banking/paypal etc.. I always manually type in the secure link into my browser

so it should be HTTPS://

Do not forget to add the S at the end of HTTP.

You can tell with any spam emails that they do no direct you to a secure server (the S at the end of HTTP).

Also, if you think it's a Paypal spam email, just forward the link to They will reply telling you whether it is a spam. I believe this also helps to track down malicious spammers (one would hope).

Good luck