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mold on my boat

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:34 pm
by islandrick
Just checked on my sail boat, lots of mold growing on the teak and everything else such as life jackets etc. I had this boat for about 4 years and never seen this happen, very hart breaking. Not as bad as a flooded basement suite but still not nice. Anyone know the proper way to clean the mold and kill the spores.


Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:23 pm
by jump'njibe'njim
I had a kite come out of winter storage with some black mould. I let it dry and it was fine as the mould died. But the black stain did not and may never go away. I think it's the same stuff that wants to grow in my shower's tile grout.
I would try some of those cleaning products on t.v. that claim to clean such messes but be super careful not to use anything acidic or a solvent that might damage what you're cleaning. Maybe something soapy with some of those micro scrubbing things. TSP (trisodium phosphate) has worked in my shower, but...? You could do some tests and tell us how it goes as we all have this problem but I've never seen an easy solution.
I think methyl hydrate (alcohol) will kill the mould if you can't get the room to dry (and it dosen't hurt anything).
A common solution is to ignore the staining, regarding it as a soulful patina that makes the object truly yours.
Good luck.


Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:34 pm
by Wingnut
Painters use a 20% solution of bleach/water to kill mold. Rince after. :)


Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:37 pm
Iwould not use bleach, it's very harsh, maybe ask a sail loft or your manufacturer.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:38 pm
by KUS
Non-porous surfaces can be cleaned, teak may be cleanable despite its pores, textiles such as cushions and lifejackets, wash to reduce the smell and live with the damage and stains or chuck :? You'll probably have to ditch most of it as you cannot really ever remove the smell. I have washed some skigear (wet goggles, hats etc.) 5x and it still stunk :roll:

Maintenance of ventilation is vital. I leave all vents open in the RV, have a minor heat source (light bulb etc.) to promote a drying environment and hang/support any cushions etc. so air can get at all surfaces. Remove all bedding and clothes, food. A dehumidifier also helps. I am currently actively drying out the RV from all the frosting/condensation from skiing the other day, it usually takes much longer than you think to fully dry things out.

Also, you might wanna check for leaks you didn't have before!!

Bummer :x

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:39 am
by Tedz
My grand father built his sail boat 35 years ago in redondo beach california.the outer cabins on his sail boat are all made of teak,once a year we had to refinish all the wood.there is a special type teac wood cleaner its a two part solution. solution A & B.You basically brush it on as i remember first with solution A,then let it sit for about 5-10 minits then rinse it off with water.Then repeat with solution B.I remember it was like a acid it made the wood look like new.cant remember the brand name of this product but its very common at your local marine store.another thing we used to use was after we cleaned it was some "Cetol"heavy duty marine varnish to keep the teac sealed and looking nice and shiny.Hope that works for ya it should.


Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:10 am
by islandrick
Thanks everyone for the info. now I can go into a marine store and get what I need. Can't wait for the warm weather...

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:31 pm
by KUS
hey, just spotted what claims to be a "mold cleaner" at homongous creepo, wild and wonderful "kills mold on contact" claims, nvr know, might actually work :roll:


Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:41 pm
by AC
Trotac Marine In James BAy has quite a few remidies that
cost lots. But Paul suggested water and Vinager