VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Anybody been to venezuela
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Anybody been to venezuela

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:03 am
by The Dogs Bollucks
My girlfriend and I are going to Venezuela for a month (April /May) to go kiting but to also do a bit of travelling
Looking for any advice as to where to go or more importantly where not to go .
Margarita , Coche, Los Roques and Caracas are in the cards right now ... and possibly a trip inland to Angel Falls or Merida .
Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:44 am
by winddoctor
Hey DB,

I'd double check that the season is right for Angel Falls. You're probably ok at that time of the season, but when we were in Venezuela in February a couple of years ago, the falls were supposedly drooling rather than roaring, so we skipped them. Later on there is much more water. Getting into the Amazon is fantastic.

Caracas is a sketchy city. Be ultra on-guard. You often hear of places that are notorious crime centres, but Caracas' rep is well deserved. Try to organize your cab from the airport to Caracas in advance, or ask a local which cabs waiting out front are safe. Some are unmarked but look close enough to official cabs. People have been picked up from the airport by these look-alikes and robbed shortly after by the driver. This being said, we had no trouble anywhere in Venezuela.

Do yourself a favor and order a "parchita" or fresh passion fruit juice on a hot day. Amazing! The small local restaurants and stands have great food. I miss eating there!

Margarita, Coche, Los Roques are all well worth checking out. We had great wind every day in Margarita, and the water is warmer than anywhere else I've sailed. Vadardog and Littlekitergirl may have some good info for you on these spots.

Have a great trip!

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:46 am
by frank
Adicora, near Coro, was also great for wavesailing, very cheap, off beaten track & charming little village...that was in 1988!?, but don't think it changed much....

in Caracas, ...they will love to prey on a gringos like you, hoping you got a good tan and not a US passport!!!????

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:06 am
by frank
another, thing....keep your passport all the time/everywhere with you, in case the Policia Militar want "to take you in to do your military service"...that's their favorite excuse to bring you in, and wait for money before letting you continue your trip....!!??

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:19 pm
by The Dogs Bollucks
Thanks guys ... I try to look as much like a hobo as I can when I travel ... but even so the more I read about Caracas , the more Im horrified ... yet alarmingly intrigued... not sure what to do yet .
Thinking about a sail charter kite trip as well ... recommended by a fellow I met in Brazil
Anyways ... thanks again