VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Garbage at the Nitinaht
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Garbage at the Nitinaht

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:41 am
by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy
Greetings fellow wind f(r)iends,

I rarely post much on here, especially about 'issues' but something of late has been causing me some angst and so I thought I would put it out there, here and at least generate some discussion and awareness.

This season for me anyways, has seen an increasing amount of garbage/litter on the beach, in the forest and in the campsite here at Nitinaht. Some examples include the following:


cigarette butts

plastic wrappers of many sorts

toilet paper

paper towel

bottle caps

beer cans and bottles

plastic bottles

twist ties

chip bags

Friends who occupied a site on the north end of the campground reported hundreds of cigarette butts, empties, beer cartons and other garbage. They said it was as though someone had come, partied, and left without packing up.

I could go on. It's become more ranging and far more pervasive than I've ever seen before.

While I realize that there is no garbage pick up here I'm not sure others do. The dump is closed here because it is at capacity, therefore we all need to be aware of the need to pack out what we take in. This should be a leave no trace scenario for all of us, so Nitinaht can remain Nitinaht for generations to come. This is at least how I feel we should be approaching the situation. If others have additional points of view that they would like heard I would encourage you to share your experiences or voice your opinions here. Hopefully no one feels like I am trying to Police people or stand on a soapbox. That is not my intention. I am merely concerned for the delicate eco system which we tread upon, our reputations, and future use of the wonderful territory that is Nitinaht.



Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:34 pm
NOBODY cares anymore Kevin, there used to be rangers and such at the forestry campground. It has gotten bad in a lot of respects now that the band is overseeing the park. Lots of people don't want to go there anymore, I go to other campgrounds and they are clean and beautiful. What's the difference ? Well it's the people. Oh and some enforcement maybe. Hey I know, talk to Judi, see how far that gets U.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:12 pm
by Vik
I make it a habit every time walk down the beach [with my hands free!] I grab a few pieces of garbage [especially broken glass] and put it in my garbage...same thing when I am walking around the campground.

In and of itself it won't solve the problem, but people take care of places that are clean and trash places that are dirty.

The more people look after their own camps and grab some extra garbage the more that vibe will spread.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:31 pm
by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy
Well GWIND thanks, but you're wrong in that many people do care. Thanks Vic. I'm with you.


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:04 pm
by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy
Thanks for letting us know you don't give a flying fig about keeping Nitinaht beautiful though. By the way, what is your real name?


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:17 pm
Kevin don't give me attitude, I've been going there since 1987 and I have picked up more garbage and crap from that place than you could know. Lots of people agree with me, they just won't make a point of saying anything. The campground IS turning into the dump. Don't blame me.

You've been there a couple of years and those issues are starting to bother U, WEEEEEELLL NOW U know how I feel.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:27 pm
by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy
Don't give you attitude. I think it's your attitude that's part of the problem, and FYI i've been coming to Nitinaht since 1999, not as long as you but still long enough. I just happen to think you're mistaken that no one cares and I think by talking about it, we might be able to make others more aware of the need to pack up what you take in, that's all. Great that you've been carting out your stuff. Hats off. Just don't assume no one gives a flying fig just cause some people are treating the beach, campground like a trash bin. The majority I believe do care, and hopefully the posts which follow will back this idea up. C'mon folks can we get together some kind of a plan to make sure we keep the beach clean?! =)

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:55 am
by Ned
I think at the end of the day we all want the same thing here...

The only thing I know how to do is to try to set an example, so I try my best to take Vik's approach when I remember!

That said, maybe we can translate all this energy into some action. Perhaps a Labour Day weekend (or some other end of season date) to get everyone out. Have a friendly BBQ and 'trash bash' the beach and surrounding area. Could be a great opportunity for people to better get to know each other and strengthen our little wind community.

Just throwing it out there...

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:11 pm
by Teabag
GWIND, I am not sure how long it has been since you have been to Nitinat Lake but I don’t believe that NOBODY cares. I know lots of people that apply the "leave the campsite in a better shape than you find it" especially in the windsurfing area.

What is happening is that more and more people are getting into kiting/windsurfing, Nitinat is getting busier every year, and as a result, there will be some people without sense of community that are going to leave a big mess , and/or a lot of people leaving little mess that accumulate with time.

Often when I wake up I go clean the sauna area and clean my camp spot from bottles/cans, taking cigarette butt and putting them together with the garbage bags. I have seen lots of people doing the same on the beach/sauna as well. I think that there are a lot more good/positive energy/sense of community people at Nitinat Lake that there is in any other campground on the island. How many people is there every weekend? Lots!!!

What didn't help this year and last year is that there has been a fire ban since mid July (for cigarette butt and small stuff that accumulate over time).

I wasn’t supposed to go to Nitinat this weekend but I think that I am going now in a couple of hours, bring lots of empty garbage bags and bring them full on my way back tomorrow. Thanks to Kevin for the post and awareness.

Dale/Kevin/Billy/Reed is it one of you that told me that there was 3 or 4 (pickup truck) loads of garbage last year? And always the same persons that cleanup the big mess at the end of the season every year?

Ned "trash bash" idea is a great one, count me in if it happens (except if it is during beerfest or obviously the day after, sorry). A good weekend to set that up would be the same weekend that help is needed with securing the Sauna away.

I don’t know many place where you can leave you $$$$$ kite/WS gear around without the fear of getting it stolen. Or the fear of getting your car broken into (sombrio/mystic, etc...). If someone drop their wallet on the beach, the chance of them getting it back by an honest person is way higher then not getting it back at all. This fact, the good vibes and smiles of 90%+ of people going to Nitinat is why I like this place. I don’t think that NOBODY cares.

It is the results of little mess here and there over time and the few people who don’t care. And the fire ban. (for cigarette butt/small stuff).

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:04 pm
by Teabag
correction to my last; cant go this weekend, too late and to broke. Will go for sure one or two weekend in Sept and help clean the most I can.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:41 pm
by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy
Kevin Hansen said to say talk less do more.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:17 am
by nanmoo
I think we can all agree its the kiters fault.



Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:10 am
by kitesurferdale garbage...always has been an issue since I have been there.

As for getting busier...not sure about the past I have seen the campground actually busier and with heavier constant use than currently...why that is could be attributed to alot of things. I don't agree with gene (gwind) ... I do believe his perception/attitude is limited to a few people...people that wish it to go back to the ways of old..when the windsurfing society had the operation and volunteer maintenance but that is just my thought.

It is an annoyance to have to clean others garbage, especially when it is a very simple concept and the cause is pure lazyness. I am of the mind that all people that use the campground on a fairly regular basis should band together and help by mentioning to those that appear to by "untidy" to keep it clean...for those that stay extended periods of time to ensure they remove all evidence of their stay after they leave....all evidence. During my tenure at the campground it was my experience that the long term users were very cognizant (sp?) of their impact and tidied after themselves. Only a few individuals seemed to "not care" what they left. Now before anybody goes ballistic on this subject and want to point fingers at individuals....DONT....

It is a HUGE HUGE cost that the band has to pay to remove garbage from the village....which I think perpetuates the dump problem and its eventual clean up...and under no circumstances should we the users contribute to its problem.

So the bottom line in my opinion is to adopt a community style perception...consider the place like it was you own and help promote that perception by being proactive by communicating this concept to others. The argument that why should i stick my neck out and say something that may cause confrontation or retaliation is fair. This is why acting as a group is wont be acting alone.

In reality I believe those that read these threads are for the most part the people that contribute and care so at times I wonder wether to post or not.


Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:35 am
by nanmoo
kitesurferdale wrote:In reality I believe those that read these threads are for the most part the people that contribute and care so at times I wonder whether to post or not.
It doesn't hurt to say it anyways, and who knows, maybe this little thread will influence someone to pick up their shit who wouldn't otherwise. It's like voting, it might have a tiny impact, and your choices might only be a giant douche or a turd sandwich, but ultimately you do what you can.


Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:34 pm
You're a good man Teabag, but my point is that you shouldn't have to pick up other peoples trash all the time. People should be more respectful or they should be asked to leave.