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FWD Loop motivation

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 11:08 am
by winddoctor

For those of you still on the fence as to whether to learn or not, watch this video. Do it this summer! You can nail it!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 1:55 pm
by downwind dave
great video, it is always motivating to see people trying these things, and how stoked that guy was afterwards!


Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:00 pm
You mean there is hope for me yet !

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:18 pm
by nanmoo
Let's not get out of hand Gene...! :lol: :lol: :roll:

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:33 pm
by downwind dave
maybe we need this new motivation thread, where you might post up your name as a commitment to chuck a loop this summer. this would be a chance for a fresh start for those that said they would do one in last year's thread but never followed through (or sheeted in so to speak) :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:39 pm
by KUS
I'm in again :D ...and again.... :roll: but the most I ever manage is kissing the gear hard and slamming my ageing body :oops: it really is a stupid and painful move if you don't make it around :?

Thanks downwind

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:17 pm
OK you young punk ass youngsters, that's you Kuster and
Moo ( just barely out of diapers ) now I'm reved up.
I'm gona learn loopin real soon and beat your skinny butts
to the finish line. Ha. The glove is down. Ha

Windsurfish your out.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:21 pm
by nanmoo
Not wanting to explode my shoulder has kept me from completing what by all accounts appears to be a relatively simple move aside from committing to it... but I really need to just go for it, and if my shoulder falls apart then I know for sure and won't again, and if it doesn't, well then I looped. Just need some wind...

Re: Thanks downwind

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:35 pm
by KUS
GWIND wrote:OK you young punk ass youngsters, that's you Kuster ....The glove is down. Ha
yeah, well after a week of garden chores including 2 days of aerial tree pruning, hanging from branches at great heights like some circus monkey wielding a chain saw, I feel about a ripe 85....... ready for my collostomy bag to explode on impact and a few vertebrae to pulverize if I land on my back like a stunned beetle....but yeah, you're on :twisted: might even try one again today if freaking Kook could only muster a 24 knot sustained gust :evil: back to crap weather :!:


Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:40 pm
I forgot about the bad wing Tony. Don't push it.
Injuries are the down side of sport. Freaks me out.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:45 pm
by nanmoo
The wing is a big bummer for me, windsurfing puts my arm "up" and in a vulnerable position, so even though I am doing far riskier moves week in and week out on my bike, that has my arm "down" and my shoulder locked in. Something about crashing and having you shoulder out always freaks me out, more than doing something that is actually scary. Still, I really wanna.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 7:50 am
by TheLaw
I was watching this yesterday and was going to post it. Faris looks like a pro! All I need is Pritchard following me around. :?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:42 am
by winddoctor
KUS wrote:I'm in again :D ...and again.... :roll: but the most I ever manage is kissing the gear hard and slamming my ageing body :oops: it really is a stupid and painful move if you don't make it around :?
It doesn't have to be this way at all. The last time we saw you going for them, Kus, you were ragdolling yourself into savage handstand catapults. THat's as bad as it gets, really, but those aren't really loops since you were taking off upwind and getting whipped out of the straps and into the rig (not trying to be critical, just trying to explain why your experience sucked so bad). I've seen you jumping with perfect positioning to loop in the last number of years (nose pointed down and off the wind, back foot near butt, body upright, rig ready to be sheeted in. It's this position you need to loop from to initiate correctly. Even if you half commit, you'll still carry the gear around to a mild spanking on your ass or back. Way safer and more gentle than the backloop crashes you subject yourself to hundreds of times a season! You're a great jumper and the loop will be shamefully easy for you if you just do the simple bits below.

The best loop attempts keep your body under the gear safely and an ass slap or back slap is the worst of it normally. A vulcan crash or even a jibe douching is often worse.

Key moves to crack the forward:

1. Jump and scissor the board off the wind with the front arm straight and angling to windward. Keep sail sheeted slightly OUT at this point.

2. One bajilli-second later, reef on the back hand (only the back hand), pull the tail of the board to your butt, scrunch your body up small, and scrunch feet against the sides and top of the straps to stay in (crucial)

3 Hang on and enjoy the rotation, then the mild spanking of congratulations. You did it! Your first loop!

Over- rotation is not a realistic worry unless you are charging a six foot wave at 30 knots and sheeting in as your nose clears the wave.

Your straps need to be big enough to get your feet pretty deep. As deep as you are comfy with. You don't need shedloads of power in the sail. If you are powered up just enough to jump, perfect. As you improve, you'll love what being slightly OP'd will do for the speed of rotations! :twisted:

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:06 am
by mortontoemike
It looks so tempting.

A transcript of my medical assessment consult,

"Review of imaging shows some early degenerative change of the right AC joint. As well, there is appears to be a small osteophyte at the footprint of the rotator cuff with some cystic changes in the region. There is some sclerosis over the lateral aspect of the acromion as well. Review of the ultrasound report confirms a full thickness tear of the supraspinatus measuring 1 cm by 1.9 cm." (The tear is permanent.)

probably means that the bottom of my board will forever be pointed towards the water.

Can't wait to see all you guys looping overhead this summer though. And KC777 and FOLO too!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:46 am
by downwind dave
bummer MTM! take it easy on that thing.

that downwind ramp tip is key, took me most of a decade to sort that out. all that body position stuff is easy to practice jumping into a pool.