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Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:17 am
by ~ pimp hand ~
*** warning *** may offend some 'soft' viewers ... atdown.wmv

welome to paradise :shock:

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:36 am
by Kite Kook
Not the brightest, this guy. I suppose there is a lesson in there for those who don't 'respect' the rules. Still, I find this violent and childish video clip nauseating rather than amusing. I wished I hadn’t watched it, actually. Lowers my opinion of people in general…

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:57 pm
by colin
i dont think much of the surfing culture, ever sinse i started kiteboarding i have known that the sport and people are for me. surfers complain too much. i am very happy that the people who share my passion, kiting and windsurfing, are an incredible and very enjoyable bunch. the entire community is something unique and shouldnt be taken for granted. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 3:42 pm
by winddoctor
I second KSKK's sentiments.


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:49 pm
by voodmon
Well...? what's with the surfer mentallity anyway....this clip just exemplifies it...I know , and I see it as a Hauly thing..i know my spelling is wrong...but this earth and the waters belong to everyone...and a repeat of this anywhere on this planet by whomever ....will answer to my katana


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:50 pm
by guest
A surf reporters view follows.
Believe it or not, I have seen a similar thing at JR, the beating was much less severe, though, only a few punches hit the guy in the face, but one haymaker landed squre. The assailant was a windsurfer, the victim a longboarder. bad vibe.
Oooooooooooooooooooooo have I got a good one for you today. Today the Rockstar Supertour went under way. Waves started off at 4-6ft with sick pits to be had at backdoor and Pipe. Well the second heat paddled out to an intruder from California. This barn dog of a surfer paddled out to backdoor pipe and thought its cool I can just burn the body boarders in their contest area. Well after 4 stern warnings from the Hawaii Water Patrol (these are big scary guys who would intimidate anyone) Kainoa Mcgee decided to paddle out and remove him from the line up. At this stage you would have thought I don't want to die so I will get out.

After Kainoa asked him to kindly get out the water, he supposedly told Kainoa to get f@#$%! And as Kainoa paddled toward him the surfer swings and connects him on the side of his head hard. So Kainoa losses it and starts laying into him about 8 shots to the mouth. A wave came and forced the surfer in but he hadn't got the hint so he paddled out again only to get another shot to the mouth and have Kainoa take his surfboard from him and paddle away. As the surfer from Carlsbad California was paddling in and Kainoa was breaking the fins off his board and sending it over the falls at Off the Wall, Kala (one of the heaviest North Shore locals and a member of the Dahui) was coming down the beach.

At this stage the whole beach was laughing and going ooooooo crap you going to get it suckaaaaaaaaa.. So funny. Well he gets to the beach and Kala walks up to him and asks him to follow him to the Volcom house but no he would not move so Kala lost it and tackled him to the ground. On the ground he proceeded to knock the living daylights outa this guy, teeth gone here and there and a face that looked like I boxing bag... The crowds ran and surrounded him and all the locals where screaming at him and all the bodyboarders where laughing at him. Eventually the Life Guards pulled him off before he killed him. Kala was soooooo mad. The guy then stands up all dazed as his surfboard washes up on the beach. But before he could get to it another Dahui guy grabs it and says no board for you and smashed it onto a no swimming sign on the beach. He then removes it and jumps on it once or twice and it snapped in half, after which he hands it back to the IDIOT.

Now you would think he would realize these guys are going to kill him, but no he just came and sat by the SA's on the beach as everyone threw comments. Eventually one of the Dahui Water Patrol walked up and was "You see you mess with the Boogie Boarders and you get F#@%& up" Man everyone was like OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Well as this was all going on some sick surfing was going under way. But by midday the winds were up and the waves went kuk. As the boys plodded through their heats some huge airs by Hubb and Sean Virtue helped take the talk off the incident from the morning. In the End the final was between, Guilherme Tamega, Spencer Skipper, Damian King and Rui Ferrerai. After an entertaining heat in some sub standard waves Tamega ended up getting an interferance and King got maybe the wave of the Comp. At the prize giving the following where the results:

Ok But..

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:21 pm
by voodmon
Violence in any form is in all of us on this planet...and 8) god we've seen too much already is in acceptable ....i'm sorry but regardless of territorial stuff man or woman has the right to pound someone elses face into a pulp...excuse me..if you think i'm wrong....all of you have no idea what` so ever of what the next few years will bring to you and yours....what hurt for me was the crowd watching ..when they could have been preventing...that hurt to that on this planet is difficult enough without..god knows what.........what do we call it ? in tv...violence..please please people..if and when you see something like this ..walk into it....don't just stand and watch or cheer....stop it! by what ever means you may have...that is all have to say..TT

you have no idea

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:33 am
by voodmon
i went minutes ago to get a sandwich from the Mac's in th village..and bumped into an old man..frank the electrian from west bay electric..who i met on a job sight 10 years ago..he is old and grey now...but...we both remember those times....the pokes the tougnting..hopefully you will too.and we all will still be friends..TT so this is for what is to to come..the earth changes the unexplainables of which there will be many......stay true my your old in your hearts....maintain the intension that all will be Ok..and it will be.!!! TT

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:13 am
by ~ pimp hand ~
Kook St. Kite Kook wrote: I find this violent and childish video clip nauseating rather than amusing. I wished I hadn’t watched it, actually. Lowers my opinion of people in general…
jeeez ... if i had know you guys were gonna take it this hard :o ... have you never seen a UFC fight on tv? or do you live that much of a sheltered life?
i agree the guy didn't deserve the degree of a beating that he got, but he did paddle out at pipe during a contest and refused to leave ... he was asking for it!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:46 am
by colin
theres no question he was in the wrong.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:10 am
by bricktop
That is the saddest thing I have seen with this sport yet. Beat the crap out of a guy, stick a camera in his face, laugh at him, break his surf board in half, laugh again. Totally unnecessary.

If that happened on our beaches here, in front of me, what would I do.......Take action. Don't be a lame ass bystander.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:51 am
by winddoctor

Sad to say I've seen my share of UFCs. Initially you want to be sick, then you become desensitized to the violence. That's not such a good thing! The Haole-boy in the vid was totally in the wrong, no question. It just sucks that the lesson has to be dealt with in that brutal manner. The crowd mentality was in full effect as well. It's bizarre to me that you could hear people laughing as this kid was getting his face rearranged, no matter how much to blame he was. Something tells me that the bruddahs won't be giving this guy many waves later on.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:05 pm
by ~ pimp hand ~
1 bitch-slap and a broken fin would've been enough ... i guess the locals had to maintain as owners/enforcers of pipe, and if you break the rulz, you must pay ... but yeah, the dude took it way too far!

i'm suprised the victim hasn't launched a lawsuit armed with this clip that's been floating around the internet :shock:

surfer rage

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:18 pm
by dunkinguy
I am sure glad the windsurf/kiter community doesn't have to deal with crap like this. I got my first taste of this territorial nonsense this weekend at Jordan River. I was having a great windsurfing day on my 5.2 getting some nice rides and was just generally stoked to finally hit JR after countless attempts. There were several surfers out, but the vibe was pretty good, I was even making small talk with some of the boys as I trouted out through break. Later in the day it got quite busy, and the wind was coming up too. I got on a nice wave right off of the point. A surfer got on the wave after I was already on it. I thought cool. Whatever. We're both going right let's tear it up. I had just started my second bottom turn when I heard him yellin@#.!@ at me from the top of the wave directly behind me. He fell; board flew forward bounced off my board and I carried on with the wave. I took a break after this to try and re-group. I was trying to figre out if I had done something wrong. Right away, surfer ettiquete and al of that stuff. And what I think it comes down to is this one particular guy has watched Point Break one too many times. When the wind comes up at JR I am going to be on it. No one owns the occean! I went back out after a a bit and had some wicked rides. The day ended on a good note. Life is too short to be angry. This guy and some of the people in this video clip need a kindness injection. Thanks to Kindness Crew Eric, Val, Chris and Brad for coming to Mt. Prevost Middle School today and injecting a little kindness. Check out Have a great day! I'll share a wave with any of you! Save the Hate for the big moves

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:34 pm
by guest
Actually, it kinda soundsl like you were in the wrong on this one. If you know surfing rules, they apply to everyone riding the wave. Its not the person first on the wave, BECAUSE longboarders, and windsurfers can catch the swell further outside usually even before it breaks, but rather the person nearest the INSIDE and the breaking portion of the wave HAS THE RIGHT OF WAY. So if he was indeed behind you, he has the right of way - but regardless, glad you had a good session, the wind was too fluky for a good kite session so Cook st turned out better.