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Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:33 am
by downwind dave
hey just a random hypothetical situation, who has experienced a busted collarbone and how long did it take to heal (where you could sail no worries)? 8)

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:45 am
by jim mckenzie ... 000529.htm
"Adults may need up to 12 weeks."
They seem to want a doctor to keep an eye on it's progress.
Hypothetically, good luck.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:51 pm
by kookkiller
Common biking injury???

Re: collarbone

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:43 pm
by KUS
downwind dave wrote:just a random hypothetical situation
I think a hip replacement surgery would be faster :roll: say it isn't so :shock:

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:23 pm
by G-Daddy
Hmm... I assume this hypothetical somebody got an XR and this break isn't surgical? Some are these days, though for the vast majority it's just a sling. They heal well with just a visible bump in most cases. Biggest problem is re-injury around 6 weeks + when yer starting to feel pretty good. Be careful. Too bad we don't heal like teenagers anymore.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:34 am
by downwind dave
yeah you guys know me always kidding around. :lol: i think i was a little high on the T3s. anyway yeah had me a little bike crash, just a little rash, but did my left clav. they opened me up yesterday and screwed me all back together good as new i hope. good news to me is there seems like no damage in the socket/ball joint. so ive read all the info out there -thanks for the link jm- and it sounds like i wont be full power for 8-12 weeks, so OR might still be in the cards? i do wonder from what im reading if there is less of an issue with re-injury if ive got that titanium plate screwed in there. definitely planning to not be stupid and do nothing for a couple weeks then see what i can do gently. just curious if anyone's gone thru the process. :wink:
here's what it looked like on sunday

i should give a shout out to Al, (kookkiller) he rode the same race leg as me (sno2surf) and came out completely unscathed!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:38 am
by winddoctor
Bummer, Dave! Sorry to hear. Just keep the push loops under 20' and call call us in the morning. Heal up fast!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:00 am
by KUS
Ouch, my two severely separated shoulders (grade 3's) couldn't be loaded up for about 3-4 months, still bother me decades later (push ups can be impossible at times and long sailing sessions cause some discomfort) and act up sometimes depending on weather but perhaps these don't heal as well as the bone itself, hope that is true. Heal up fast DWD

Well, let's hope for no more necessary X-rays.....Moo is freshly gimped, Snakeman is barely back together again....Eastside I need some OR sailing buddies so stop that fooling around at CB, you can have the freakin' helmet already :roll:

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:38 am
by jim mckenzie
Don't know if it applies, but my friend separated his shoulder and didn't do any therapy afterwards. It has stiffened and now can't be raised over his head. It might be quite good to seek therapy through your doctor once the bone has mended.
I believe 6 weeks is the normal healing time for most bones. Perhaps 'a couple of weeks' could be extended. You really don't want to rebrake it and start all over again...

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:45 am
by downwind dave
thanks jim, my doc took an xray and said i was lucky, the whole socket assembly looks good. clavicle is much simpler fix apparently. anyway ive got 2 followups booked to keep me on track. worst part is i just got a new sup that can't use now for at least a few weeks. will be good for the rehab phase though i recon. :D

moo's gone down? was he beat up by surfers? :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:50 am
by winddoctor
I think you mean "tummy bullies", Dave.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:59 am
by emearg
Did mine back in mid Oct - 2 plates, 10 screws broken in 4 places. Follow Dr's orders on immobilizing and Physios. I was doing gravel road riding, no falling allowed at 6 weeks it was close to another 5-6 weeks before i was allowed to fall on it. I did it playing hockey and still waited another 4 weeks before playing again. Feels good and strong right now i do want to get the plates out though as i feel them with a backpack on.

6wks=light easy no fall riding
11-12 weeks= strong as before (app) back to mtn biking allowed to fall
16 weeks = ice hockey again, physio recommended extra time, why not..?

Hope that helps.

not sure for windsurfing, i suspect you'd want to wait for full contact being allowed (11-12 wks) and make sure you on are on top of your strengthening exercises......

start physio as soon as you are allowed, that was at 2 weeks for me, dont want to get 'frozen shoulder'

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:30 am
by TheLaw
I have done both at different times...weird both from biking...for one of them I started riding a little early and started to mess up the knitting of the bones. Put myself back about 2-3 weeks.

Starting early meaning after maybe 4 weeks. I would assume that if it is screwed together then OR is likely in the cards....

Best advice is to ignore all of us and only listen to what G-Daddy or your Doctor has to say.

Heal well my friend.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 11:47 am
by TonyInVancouver
Busted mine windsurfing. Was snapped cleanly in half.

Stainless steel plate installed.

Was back on the water in 12 weeks.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 1:30 pm
by Joostio
Sorry to hear it, to make you feel better, I just did my right femur. Surgery is done and I am non weight bearing for 90 days, good bye summer.