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Esquimalt Ocean Access

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:58 pm
by skywalker

I will be presenting to the Esquimalt Council on July 4th to request an ocean access staircase in either Saxe Point Park or Macauly point park.

Having recently moved there, I cannot find a decent launch, even for windsurfers. I imagine divers and kayakers will also enjoy an easy access staircase.

Both of these parks are directly in front of excellent wind. The Esquimalt shores have so much potential.

If you would like to chime in, please let me know. Trying to broaden our sailing areas.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:17 pm
by SmallWaveSteve
FWIW a lot of the local freedivers/spearfishers frequent macaulay & saxe already, and would love better access.

I haven't been out there to look at it, but wouldn't that jetty at macaulay lend itself to a similar setup to the squamish spit?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:49 pm
by Teabag
Luke, I have been kiting Saxe Point 3 times at least (I live 2 minute from your house, im actually on your wifi right now, you should change your password imo). Anyway, prior to that 5 +++ try where I was not able to get on the water because it is very sketchy, small gust and walking on the rocks like that is just calling for broken bones.

Look the map with the GPS track from my 3 successful times. I am not lying, took me at least 15-25 minutes to get on the water from the time the kite was launched to the time I made it to the water.

I didnt include the 5 times I didnt make it to the water because the GPS track would hide most of the picture.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:38 am
by downwind dave
i don't think i like this place, it looks like too many drunk guys are wandering all over. :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:47 am
by KUS
just curious about the what looks to be totally onshore conditions onto pure rock/ do you plan to self-rescue if you had to :?: or the wind kicked up 15 knots :shock:

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 11:15 am
by skywalker
There’s no doubt that even with a staircase this is a sketchy spot. However that hasn’t stopped us before. Self rescue would be a nearby wind sheltered beach to the right of Saxe point.

Yes the pitch is that everyone will enjoy an easy access staircase. SUP, Kayak, Diver, Swimmer, dogs, Maybe on warm summer day children could swim etc etc. We would just be one user, and most likely use it when other people aren’t interested. Too windy.

Ian, that tracking looks about right.

Macauly point would also work, its just a long walk from the car with gear. Saxe point is a short distance. However I will push with both spots as they both would be nice.

Any thoughts on design? I am pushing for nice wide stairs so people can sit on them as well. Also reduce the chance of slipping.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 11:32 am
by nanmoo
There are good windless bays with gravely/sandy-ish spots to swim into both up and downwind from Saxe Point. On a summer westerly day I think its a good spot, but maybe not for 40-50 knot westerly clearing days.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:58 pm
by SmallWaveSteve
Saxe looks like the better/less sketchy one as far as having people drifting into busy boating lanes and/or the cruise ship terminal if they have a bad gear failure, which I'm sure the municipalities would be concerned with.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:24 pm
by skywalker
The distance between car and saxe point is really close. Which is why some of the natural beaches are a little inconvenient for SUPers but Im speculating.

Anyway, how cool would this be

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:06 pm
by thankgodiatepastafobreaky
I think Ian is just playing with his etch-a-sketch again.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 4:32 pm
by johnz
Teabag wrote:Luke, I have been kiting Saxe Point 3 times at least (I live 2 minute from your house, im actually on your wifi right now, you should change your password imo). Anyway, prior to that 5 +++ try where I was not able to get on the water because it is very sketchy, small gust and walking on the rocks like that is just calling for broken bones.

Look the map with the GPS track from my 3 successful times. I am not lying, took me at least 15-25 minutes to get on the water from the time the kite was launched to the time I made it to the water.

I didnt include the 5 times I didnt make it to the water because the GPS track would hide most of the picture.
This is fantastic.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 4:33 pm
by johnz
PS - good on you Luke!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:57 am
by skywalker
Unanimous approval from the Esquimalt council. We can expect a new launch site in Esquimalt in the near future,

A few of us recently incorporated the Vancouver Island Windsport Society, and this was the first piece of official business. I will post more about the VIWS later as we get our act together. There will be meetings and elections etc.

Watch my presentation to council here: ... a_id=21622

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:21 am
by KUS
Very cool, now my VIWS business has an entire society :D sounds awesome

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:52 am
by JL
Well done Luke. Great presentation. I'd be happy to have you speak for any group. :P & , of course great news for Esq. & Greater Vic. kiters, windsurfers, divers & sup-ers etc.. 8)