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Source for fin boxes?
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 10:32 pm
by HiyoSilver
So I discovered one of my mini tuttle fin boxes is cracked and taking on water and talking to DavidM about fixing it, the issue arose that there seems to be no source for such parts in North America.

Only sources I could find were in UK, Germany and Australia, with the Australian source obviously having the best prices
So is there some knowledge here about local/Canadian fin box sources (US sources debatably cheaper/less hassle with shipping.. )
- David is also looking for a US fin box.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 8:46 am
by winddude
you check if Nelson Factory in Maui or Open Ocean in the Gorge, maybe they have some that they could sell you?
I have a US fin box, can't remember if it's 8 or 10.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 9:33 am
by juandesooka
Airtime in Vancouver has some Chinook fin boxes, they may have what you need.
this place in Richmond sellsssurfboard shaping supplies....worth a try too. .
Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 11:30 am
by winddude
The US box I've got is 8", I owe him some dcell so if it works for him he can grab it.
could also try send rob at Roberts sailboards an email or call and see if he has some mini tuttles.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 7:25 pm
by DavidM
I have been getting the 8" fin boxes from Swell Composites.
They are Futures Strong Box (A-Box). Seem just as strong as Chinook's, but seem a little lighter in weight.
They are a bit long for what is really required for thrusters.
What I was looking for was 5 - 6" A-Box and haven't found any that short.
Oh, and thanks for the offer Winddude but am ok for 8 and 10" boxes.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 9:31 pm
by winddude
DavidM wrote:I have been getting the 8" fin boxes from Swell Composites.
They are Futures Strong Box (A-Box). Seem just as strong as Chinook's, but seem a little lighter in weight.
They are a bit long for what is really required for thrusters.
What I was looking for was 5 - 6" A-Box and haven't found any that short.
Oh, and thanks for the offer Winddude but am ok for 8 and 10" boxes.

I cut an inch or two out of the boxes just behind the front and jb welded the front back on to make them into 5-6" boxes, than clamped them in a vice while it set. They might be big for thrusters, I did this on a twinzer. They held up hitting the gravel reef that did my ankle in, so strength from the glue wasn't an issue. I choose to cut the boxes at the front because if the front tab breaks on the fin, it'll hit the back of the box that wasn't cut.
I'll post some pics tomorrow.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 10:35 pm
by HiyoSilver
Thanks for the tips, windude and juandesooka. Swell composites don't seem to sell the mini tuttle I need. I'll try Roberts tomorrow and go from there. Maybe call Goya directly...?
Someone on a Seabreeze thread suggested to mould your own finbox, using the fin as a plug.. An idea for the short A-box for you creative epoxy moulders?
See last comment here: ... box?page=1
Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 7:54 am
by downwind dave
you may not build a finbox, but there's no denying this video is awesome
Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 8:12 am
by winddude
Cool, it's good idea how he made the mold, I was trying to figure out something when I was looking at slot boxes.
I would be tempted to add a layer of kevlar as well for impact and torque resistance, and use dcell instead of plywood.
Shortened US fin box for twinzer
Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 8:19 am
by winddude
Here's a pic of the shortened US box vs the standard 8" box, I made for my twinzer to replace the slot boxes.
Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 9:54 am
by SmallWaveSteve
Have you checked out Fiberglass Supply?
I'm not super in the know with all the naming conventions for windsurf finboxes, but they have a bunch of different kinds: ... n_Box.html
I have some stuff I was going to order from them, if they have what you need we could spread around the cost of shipping/combine an order.
Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 1:12 pm
by KUS
nice link, no mini tuttles listed tho.....why not call up the Maui Goya shop? I will inquire....

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 5:29 pm
by KUS
none in Maui

wonder how they build the custom boards if they "have none" ?

but there's this:
or I can order one from Cobra but it would be a long while....
Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 6:08 pm
by winddude
KUS wrote:none in Maui

wonder how they build the custom boards if they "have none" ?

but there's this:
I know right :s I was thinking the same thing.
Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 9:10 pm
by DavidM
Goya build their prototypes and customs on Maui with 6" kinetic US boxes (A-Box). Hajo had contacted Goya (Pascal) and that was his answer as to why no mini tuttles at the Maui shop. Pascal tried to get Keith to bring some mini tuttles back on his recent trip to Cobra but that didn't happen 😟.
Think Hajo is going to get mini's from one of the European shops.
I am going to get some of the 6" kinetic boxes from Goya Maui to thruster my JP FSW 111...the 6" A-boxes are $8 USD each plus shipping.