Minimal Transport87 viewsNo big van here!1 commentsSnarfer (0 votes)
May2109 Long Weekend129 viewsSeriously, where was everyone?1 commentsSnarfer (0 votes)
The wrong 9.5 Prodigy kite bag.103 viewsThis stuff was in 9.5 Prodigy kite bag accidentally switched with mine at Kook around 11:30 on Monday June 25thSnarfer (0 votes)
Kelp Reef Weather Station138 viewsPicture of the currently non-operational (Jan 2018) Kelp Reef weather reporting station (It’s the white dot on the bottom right). Determining the wind at Islandview Beach (upper left) is typically 1/2 the wind between Kelp and Vic Airport. Or take the MM5 “Predicted1†winds and subtract 3-5 knots. James Island on left back, Sidney Island (and Spit) on the back right and D’Arcy Island in the foreground. You can see all the kelp surrounding the reef - thus the name - doh!1 commentsSnarfer (0 votes)
Nitinat from 37,000 Ft234 viewsTaken on Sunday 6 June 2016 a warm sunny 10.0 M day. My buddy is a 777 Captain and a big kiter.3 commentsSnarfer (0 votes)
Little windy today134 viewsThis is the wind at Wheels (Harry's) house. 1 commentsSnarfer (0 votes)
Eagles View of Nitinat Beach319 views5 commentsSnarfer (1 votes)