Donations for Johnny Read's Last Blast
You can now donate using a credit card or paypal through this website from now until
5pm April 30, 2008. This method is safe.
Follow this link:
Enter the amount and add a comment: "For Johnny Read", or something like that.
I will summarize the donations here and then give Bruce the total amount next week. I will cover the small Paypal service fee. I figured this would be a good way for people that can't easily get downtown to drop off money or find it easier to contribute using a credit card. You can also donate using the instructions that Bruce has posted above.
Donations received so far:
Updated April 30, 2008
1. BWD (Dave Billenness) $50
2. Russian Dood (Andrei Vojakine) $20
3. Colin (Colin Green) $20
4. Kite Kook (Paul Underhill) $20
5. Lindsey (Lindsey Browes) $40
6. Suzsanna Tulcsik $20
7. UnusuallyLargeRobin (Judy & Robin Mitchell) $30
8. Penguin (Gareth Turner) $20
9. Martyd (Martin Dovick) $20
10. Foilboy (Chris Hildebrand) $100
11. Wingnut (Don Lacasse) $20
12. Windwoman (Pat Ashton) $20
13. Downwind Dave (Dave Bergman) $20
14. Voodmon (Tim Trillwood) $20
15. Bones (Tony Jones) $40
16. Rosemarie Wilk $25
17. Arturo (Art Herd) $200
18. mshepard (Mark Shepard) $40
19. bricktop (Tammie & Gerry Bolda) $20
20. Ross (Ross Harrington) $40
21. More force 4 (Morley Eldridge) $25
22. DaveB (David Butler) $40
23. Iggy (Bruce McCalla) $50
24. gmac (Grant MacPherson) $40
25. Elizabeth (Trevor McRae and Elizabeth Fox) $40
26. rs (Deb and Rob Scott) $50
27. Johnnyman (John Ballantyne) $20
28. Kus (Markus Koloska) $40
29. Starboard Steve (Steve Hutchison) $20
30. Wavos Rancheros (Roger Duddridge) $20
31. Morewind (Mike Teachman) $20
AND from the collection jar set up at Parks (
Paul (Paul Gatto) $20.
Mike P. $20.
Ian Webb $20.
Chuck Bass $20.
Catstrax $20.
Anonymous $25.
Wendy Fox $10.
Jerry $5.
Low Talker $20. (Paul Callan/Janice&Luke)
P. Meechan $20.
Michelle Gorman $20. (Bug Lady)
Ricki Baginski $40.
Paul Deniverville $20