Whale watching

 tweezer - Wingfoiling

 Sunday March 23, 2025 11:35 AM

 Spot San Pareil
 Conditions SE 25-30, 2-6ft
 TOW 2.0 hours
 Toys 4ft9 65l Appletree Custom
3.5 Cabrinha Mantis
768cm2 Axis Art Pro 951
93 Nolimitz V3
360/45 Axis 360/45 skinny
60 Axis Crazyshort Advance fuse
 Details Looked at local winds at 8am but wind-ow was short and I missed it. JW threw out the Parksville card and I picked it up. We decided to look at San Pareil first and didn't leave. Good swells to ride and the wind looked like a steady 20. In fact it was more and the 3.5 was a handful the entire session. We were visited by a couple big male orcas which warmed us up with adrenaline! Great session. Thx to JW for driving and pushing me to sail longer so I could see a whale! [from Session Log on Sunday March 23, 2025]

50 km
Leaflet | Map data: © OpenStreetMap

Speed (3s average)

Speed knots km/h
Avg overall 8.5 15.7
Avg in motion 10.2 18.9
Max 18.4 34.1
Max 100m 16.6 30.8
Max 250m 14.6 27.1
Max 500m 13.8 25.6
Max 2s 18.2 33.7
Max 10s 17.1 31.7
Max Alpha (500/50m) 12.5 23.2
Avg Foiling 11.3 20.9

Times and Duration

Start Sun Mar 23, 11:35 AM
End Sun Mar 23, 2:28 PM
Duration 02:52:54
In motion 02:23:40
Paused (< 3 km/h) 00:24:22
Foiling 02:02:55
Not Foiling (< 8 km/h) 00:45:07
Longest Foiling Segment 00:14:57 (5.5 km)
Last Calculated Sun Mar 23, 7:44 PM

Track Information

Distance 45.2 km
# Trackpoints 10114
Avg Trackpoint distance 4.5 m
Number of Turns 182
Foiling Turns (> 8 km/h) 133
Foiling Turn Percentage 73%

Category: Wingfoiling 2 days ago
Created 2 days ago

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