Weather Conditions at Gordon's Beach, Sooke BC | |
6:30 PM DATE: November 30 2024 |
Wind speed and dir (10 minute average) |
0.0 kts
(148°) Calm |
Avg wind for last 10-15 minutes (gust) | 0.0 kts (0.0 kts) |
Avg wind for last 15-30 minutes (gust) | 0.0 kts (0.0 kts) |
Avg wind for last 30-60 minutes (gust) | 0.0 kts (0.0 kts) |
Maximum gust today | 2.0 kts at 3:34 AM |
Current Temperature | 7.1°C (44.8°F) |
Apparent temperature | 6.5 C |
Windchill or heat index | 7.1°C |
Maximum temperature today | 8.9°C at: 2:38 PM |
Minimum temperature today | 5.3°C at: 6:03 AM |
Barometric Pressure | 1025.2 mb |
Trend | Steady |
Pressure change (last hour) | -0.1mb/hr |
Pressure change (last 3 hrs) | +0.7 mb |
Pressure change (last 6 hrs) | +0.6 mb |
Current Rain Rate | 0.0 mm/minute |
Rain last hour | 0.3 mm |
Rain last 3 hours | 0.3 mm |
Today's Rain | 0.3 mm |
Days with rain this month | 24 |
Tidal Current (top) and Height (bottom): |
DAILY High's and Lo's: |
Click here for a daily update of the averages/extremes to date for the month |
Sun and Moon: |
The weather station data is recorded at 1 minute intervals and is uploaded every 5 minutes. This page is updated from recent data collected by a wireless Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station using a WeatherLinkIP datalogger and was created using weather-display software. |
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