  • 1.06k

    Last puffs

    • Distance: 7.31 km.
    • Time: 0h 43m 32s.
    • Track created by tweezer
    • in Wingfoiling
    • 3 years ago.
    • 1063 hits
     tweezer - Wingfoil  Monday July 05, 2021 6:23 PM  Spot Ross Bay  Conditions W 8-12, 1'  TOW 0.7 hours...
    Not rated yet
  • 1.24k

    Wed is new Friday

    • Distance: 22.55 km.
    • Time: 1h 38m 04s.
    • Track created by tweezer
    • in Wingfoiling
    • 3 years ago.
    • 1238 hits
     tweezer - Wingfoil  Wednesday June 30, 2021 5:58 PM  Spot Ross Bay  Conditions WSW 12-15, Chopped  TOW 1.5...
    Not rated yet
  • 1.23k

    Deluxe RB

    • Distance: 29.16 km.
    • Time: 2h 13m 59s.
    • Track created by bwd
    • in Wingfoiling
    • 3 years ago.
    • 1230 hits
     bwd - Wingfoil  Wednesday June 30, 2021 5:04 PM  Spot Ross Bay  Conditions WSW 15-24, Swell!!  TOW 2.5 hours...
    Not rated yet
  • 1.44k

    Log dodging

    • Distance: 26.48 km.
    • Time: 3h 03m 05s.
    • Track created by bwd
    • in Wingfoiling
    • 3 years ago.
    • 1436 hits
     bwd - Wingfoil  Tuesday June 29, 2021 4:57 PM  Spot Ross Bay  Conditions WSW 12-24, Logs + beauty swell  TOW...
    Not rated yet
  • 1.71k

    Overtime Win

    • Distance: 29.46 km.
    • Time: 3h 05m 08s.
    • Track created by tweezer
    • in Wingfoiling
    • 3 years ago.
    • 1705 hits
     tweezer - Wingfoil  Tuesday June 29, 2021 4:51 PM  Spot Ross Bay  Conditions W 10-18, Chunky soup  TOW 2.5...
    Not rated yet
  • 1.39k

    Hair Dryer

    • Distance: 5.32 km.
    • Time: 1h 18m 29s.
    • Track created by tweezer
    • in Wingfoiling
    • 3 years ago.
    • 1387 hits
     tweezer - Wingfoil  Monday June 28, 2021 4:21 PM  Spot Willows Bch  Conditions C 6-12, Shallow  TOW 1.3 hours...
    Not rated yet
  • 1.43k

    Back to the cold

    • Distance: 18.23 km.
    • Time: 1h 19m 30s.
    • Track created by tweezer
    • in Wingfoiling
    • 3 years ago.
    • 1426 hits
     tweezer - Wingfoil  Tuesday June 22, 2021 6:18 PM  Spot Ross Bay  Conditions W 12-15, 1-4'  TOW 1.3 hours...
    Not rated yet
  • 1.34k

    Nitinaht Sun Wing

    • Distance: 50.42 km.
    • Time: 4h 11m 09s.
    • Track created by tweezer
    • in Wingfoiling
    • 3 years ago.
    • 1343 hits
     tweezer - Wingfoil  Sunday June 20, 2021 12:07 PM  Spot Nitinat Lk  Conditions SW 15-25, 1-2ft  TOW 3.0 hours...
    Not rated yet
  • 1.23k

    Sat wing

    • Distance: 26.09 km.
    • Time: 1h 53m 38s.
    • Track created by tweezer
    • in Wingfoiling
    • 3 years ago.
    • 1231 hits
     tweezer - Wingfoil  Saturday June 19, 2021 12:56 PM  Spot Nitinat Lk  Conditions SW 15-25, 1-2ft  TOW 2.0...
    Not rated yet
  • 1.3k

    Nitinaht Sat windfoil

    • Distance: 26.11 km.
    • Time: 1h 16m 07s.
    • Track created by tweezer
    • in Windfoiling
    • 3 years ago.
    • 1301 hits
     tweezer - Windfoil  Saturday June 19, 2021 11:41 AM  Spot Nitinat Lk  Conditions SW 15-25, 1-2ft  TOW 1.0...
    Not rated yet

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