Vic's Nitinat memorial

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Vic's Nitinat memorial

Unread post by tle0223 »

Hey Guys
We (Vic's family) have been trying to come up with a good date to have Dad's memorial weekend at Nitinat. We are looking at July 6-8. Is there a WIRED competition this year and if so when is it? I was reading on the forum about the downed tree problem; can anyone tell me what is going on with this and if the campsite will be open by July?
Once again, thanks for all your help and comments to my family and I in the past few weeks. I will be in touch,
Terri Evans
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Unread post by more force 4 »

The camp will certainly be open by then. Clearing the danger trees and reopening the road won't take very long. I expect cleanup will go on all summer.

There was a 'Windfest' contest/demo weekend last summer but I've heard nothing about one this year.

Edit I see Jude has since posted an August "Windfest", see separate thread.

You plan the memorial for a convenient date for your family and I'm sure others will be pleased to come. I think there are a couple of weeks where it is almost guaranteed good weather. Late June or early July?
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Unread post by UnusuallyLargeRobin »

Hi everyone, I have spoken with Terri Evans (Vic's daughter) about having a paddle out ceremony for Vic after the land ceremony on the beach at Nitnaht and she felt it was a great idea and would also participate.

Taken from the traditional Hawaiian paddle out ceremony, the concept is for everyone to paddle out on their board, form a circle, have a small prayer or say a goodbye, then toss a flower into the center of the circle.

Everyone who is able to participate is welcome, come out and celebrate Vic with us in the place he loved.

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Unread post by JL »

Great plan. Thank you.
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Unread post by mortontoemike »

I like the suggestion of a "paddleout" ceremony for Vic. It is in keeping with his nature, the nature of the sport, and serenity of the lake and surroundings. I hope that something else can be done. I had suggested that the area around the billboard be called "Vic's Landing" - not because he ever landed there, I never saw him end up downwind, but because it is a gathering point and natural feature. An alternative would be to call the trail to the river "Vic's Walk" or something like that. A simple wooden sign could mark either.
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date for Vic's memorial

Unread post by tle0223 »

ok everyone, we (the family) have decided on July 7 to scatter Dad's ashes and that would be a good time for the paddle out ceremony as well. My family and I should be coming up on Friday afternoon (July 6) and leaving Sunday.
Hope to meet some of you in person then.
Terri Evans
This is Terri, Vic's daughter
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Unread post by Gareth »

Is anybody coordinating the paddle out for Vic?
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Unread post by KUS »

I was really hoping to attend but it's just not going to happen. My thoughts are with you, Vic, you've been an inspiration.

I had my own conference with Vic when I was rippin' around up there in May earlier this year. Have a great wind day, everyone!! Vic's smilin' on ya watching from the longest beach of all :D
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My thoughts are at Nitnat

Unread post by TURTLE »

I am thinking about Vic and I will always remember him -- especially when I go to Nitnat.
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Unread post by mortontoemike »

It was a very nice celebration of Vic's life on Saturday (7/7/7) with moving words from his friends and fellow campers and windsurfers. We all toasted Vic with some of his own home made Borolo vino. His daughter Terri, joined by many members of Vic's family, sprinkled Vic's ashes into the lake. Thanks to Terri and the members of Vic's family for allowing us to share the celebration.

Does anyone have pictures? Can you post a few if so?
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Unread post by windwoman »

Windy conditions Saturday evening prevented the original plan of a paddle out in Vic's honor from happening so it seemed like a suitable alternative for the over one hundred friends and family to gather in a huge circle around Vic's favorite spot on the beach to share memories and give a toast to Vic.
Thanks Mike for being the spokesperson for the windsurfing community on short notice. Pictures to be posted soon.
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

Here Pat (windwoman) sent me few pictures from Vic's memorial. Sorry for the delay.
P7070019.jpg (80.1 KiB) Viewed 4778 times
P7070016.jpg (100.43 KiB) Viewed 4778 times
Memorial gathering for Vic.jpg
Memorial gathering for Vic.jpg (115.41 KiB) Viewed 4778 times
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

here are some more
Vic' s family spread his ashes.jpg
Vic' s family spread his ashes.jpg (60.5 KiB) Viewed 4777 times
P7070023.jpg (108.48 KiB) Viewed 4777 times
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Thanks for the pics. I was very sorry to have had to miss it. I"m not even sure my e-mail reply had got through to the family beforehand, I kept getting an 'undeliverable' message. I'll always think of Vic when going by his camp, or having coffee in the early morning mist, or having that first after-session beer in a chair on the beach.
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