Saturday July 8, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 13

Log Started: Sunday August 22, 2004
Total Records: 1339
This Year: 13
Saturday July 8, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Saturday July 8, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
W 14 - 18 nitty natty
1.50 hours
Wind Obsession Fish 92 L 7'8" Ezzy Wave SE 5.8
Marginal wind, marginal stoke, Nice to be back on the lake and camping with no crowds. BWD is a planing machine.
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Saturday July 8, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Saturday July 8, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Saturday July 8, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
W 13 - 15 flattttt
0.60 hours
Naish Supercross 257 94L North Duke 6.2 megawave 28
NOT ENOUGH WIND....AGAIN, I know why I went up: to camp & learn to kite but it's still frustrating reading about 4.0 week & getting ~2 hrs of it after 10 tries. Barely planing, pumping 4rides & working on monkeys/helis. Too pooped after kiting sesh :roll: so much for my delusion of being in reasonable physical shape :roll: Tough crowd on the beach too, Windoc & BWD booing the monkeys :lol:
Sail 3 Wave 0 Jump 0
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Saturday July 8, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Saturday July 8, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
Saturday July 8, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
W 13 - 17 small chop
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Bronco 16M OR Punch-out Bar
Kept trying to think up excuses why it was not right after yesterday's disaster sesh & finally ran out, Thx BWD for calling BS. Went out & back, no probs, better power & no line mess, all good. Thx for saving catch Dave, my hero 8) Went up again, this mission: make one relaunch :twisted: Well, after discovering every leash & tangled bar lines mess known to man, solving them all :!: several relaunches & couple more crashes made this a major breakthrough :twisted:
Kite 9 Wave 3 Jump 2 ... (more)
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Saturday July 8, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 9

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 1148
This Year: 9
Saturday July 8, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Saturday July 8, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
W 14 - 18 micro chop
1.50 hours
RRD FSW85 238cm Ezzy SE 5.5 Ezzy SE 5.0
Lightish wind again from 2-4 or so. Doc and Steph showed up. Lots of fun on the water trying lame vulcans and misc spinny moves. Steph working on her one handed tail grab gybes. Good camp fire, food and stories from Gunter - thanks!
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Friday July 7, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Log Started: Tuesday April 4, 2006
Total Records: 42
This Year: 0
Friday July 7, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Friday July 7, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 14 - 20 light chop
2.00 hours
sailworks revolution 4.8 Neilpryde super nova 6.0 starboard carve 99 starboard surfwood 70
Disappointing after last week but managed to get a couple of runs on the smaller board and sail before it dropped off. Spent the rest of the time on bigger gear and managed a couple of jibes on the far side.
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Friday July 7, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 9

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 1148
This Year: 9
Friday July 7, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Friday July 7, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
W 15 - 20 chop
2.00 hours
RRD FSW85 238cm Ezzy SE 5.0 Ezzy SE 5.5
Got to the lake around 1:30 and it was just starting to fill in. At 2 it filled in to about 20kts, but only for about 30 mins. It dropped to 14-18 and the 5.5 worked for a couple of hours. Campsite was half empty. Great to sail with Kus. Treated to Nachos and coffee with baileys by Rick and Pat - thanks guys!
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Friday July 7, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Friday July 7, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
Friday July 7, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
W 10 - 12 flatter
0.80 hours
Ocean Rodeo Bronco 16M OR Punch-out Bar
Twisting lines mess on set up sucked, nobody on the water, launching barely powered should've been clues not to go, no luck getting up on board long even after full power adjust, couple very brief runs keeping upwind, then dreaded "I hate going the other way still" back to beach. Board got spun as usual, lost sight of kite, splatttt, almost nailed only beginner windsurfer out :oops: amazing how it seeks out the only obstacles around, no hope in hell of relaunch.
Kite 2 Wave 0 Jump 0
Beach hel ... (more)
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Friday July 7, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Friday July 7, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Friday July 7, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
W 15 - 19 Nat Flat
1.30 hours
Naish Supercross 257 94L Gaastra Manic 5.3 B & J fin 11-13"
Got every new teller at stores, every silverhead going for a cruise, every red light :roll: to finally get there at 2:30, Nat road was great tho :P Resurrected Jimmy Lewis fin, cool, it still works :D Decent wind to start but dropped off as quickly as it came up (late apparently at 2) BWD doing 360 tricks & trying to emulate my monkey gybe :lol: made 1 clean, that backwinded gybe is not NEARLY as cool, ha :oops:
Sail 5 Wave 1 Jump 1
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Thursday July 6, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
This Year: 21

Log Started: Sunday April 24, 2005
Total Records: 703
This Year: 21
Thursday July 6, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Thursday July 6, 2006
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Cook Street, Windsurfing
W 10 - 15 clover pt corduroy
1.50 hours
Starboard 186X DOOR Sailworks NX2 9.8
light winds oscillating to perfect strength and back again. Nice sunset session.
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Thursday July 6, 2006
Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Friday April 15, 2005
Total Records: 32
This Year: 0
Thursday July 6, 2006
Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
Thursday July 6, 2006
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Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
ESE 14 - 18 flat
1.50 hours
Surfboard 6'7" Best Yarga 15m
played around a bit more, launched a new guy, borrowed his twin tip, as all I have right now is my surfboard. Decent session overall, nice to be on the water.
Came off the water to a nice bbq salmon dinner complements of some friends for my bday. Can't complain, and didn't get hooked by any kids fishing. :wink:
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Thursday July 6, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday August 21, 2004
Total Records: 186
This Year: 0
Thursday July 6, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Thursday July 6, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
WNW 10 - 20 mixed
1.00 hours
ocean rodeo mako 150cm Ozone Instinct Bow black red and white 13 meter
:D Nice short sesh on my 13 meter,some lift,nice in the sun.It's all about fun. :roll:
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Thursday July 6, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday August 3, 2004
Total Records: 285
This Year: 0
Thursday July 6, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Thursday July 6, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 14 - 20 smooth small swell
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12m
A 12m session as it should be. Out at 1:30 to sometime past 3:30.
Enough power for jumping and working on faster turns on the small swells but not as gusty as the last couple of days. Just right.
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Willows Bch, Windsurfing
This Year: 21

Log Started: Sunday April 24, 2005
Total Records: 703
This Year: 21
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Willows Bch, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Willows Bch, Windsurfing
W 15 - 25 lumpy
1.50 hours
Starboard 186X DOOR Sailworks NX2 9.8
Sailed with the RVYC boats for awhile. Gusty on a Westerly. Top end reminded me of the Canadians in Squamish... Waterstarting a 9.8 is not so fun.
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Friday April 15, 2005
Total Records: 32
This Year: 0
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
ESE 12 - 16 flat
3.00 hours
Surfboard 6'7" Best Yarga 15m
dialed in my toeside turns on the surfboard in the flat water. Good practice.
Got caught by a 6 year old fishing, had to carefully remove the hook from my wetsuit... :?
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downwind dave
Wednesday July 5, 2006
spot n, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
downwind dave

Log Started: Sunday July 18, 2004
Total Records: 263
This Year: 0
Wednesday July 5, 2006
spot n, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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spot n, Windsurfing
NE 19 - 22 chop
2.00 hours
Starboard Freesex 97l Hot Super freak 5.3
:D great evening at the lake . lots of 360 attempts upwind and down.
clouds moved in and killed it thurs and fri. :cry:
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 1

Log Started: Saturday January 22, 2005
Total Records: 1146
This Year: 1
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 8 - 20 small Lake chop
3.00 hours
Hi-Fly Move 95 Ezzy SE Wave 6.0
A shortish session to top off a nukin set at the lake.... The gear and I can use a rest for a couple days - hope the weekend improves....
Got in some good slogging practice on the 95L as the wind died off with an incoming system.... :D :D :D :D
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 1

Log Started: Sunday January 1, 2006
Total Records: 228
This Year: 1
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
W 20 - 30 flatish with some bumps
3.00 hours
Starboard EVO 74 Severne Blade 4.7
Awesome day. Good fun sailing with the boys. HAve been working on committing to landing fwds cleaner. Paid off yesterday with some keepers. The Doc was hucking big bad boys and R dood gets the hate award for his fwd attempts. Just like Florence with Mwind, BWD, Doc only different :? MOre More More. Ah I am so stoked. :shock:
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 230
This Year: 0
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WSW 25 - 30 2-3
2.00 hours
Starboard Wave 253 North Voodoo 4.7 North Style 5.4
Not quite as nice as monday, but making this 4/5 days on the water is pretty good. Good to see the usual crew out, and lots of hucking going on. One day all that peer pressure will help me overcome my forwardaphobia. Had couple fun back attempts though.
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday August 3, 2004
Total Records: 285
This Year: 0
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 20 - 27 chop/small swells
1.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 8m
Strange wind today. Gusty, almost Gorge like conditions.
A dozen or more windsurfers out later when it looked a bit steadier.
With all the "forwards" and other "moves" being thrown out there, it was like being at the "Hatchery" gallery!
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday October 30, 2004
Total Records: 219
This Year: 0
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
SW 17 - 24 chop
1.00 hours
airush misfit 115 airush lift 14 airush lift 10
started on 14, went to 10. Billy rode his 16 all day.......animal! riding my ten along and back foot came out of strap, gust hit, did the splits instantly. leg went numb right away, thought my board was still on my feet cause i felt pressure, looked board, next step....wiggle toes to see if they are ok. came in, pulled hamstring. ouch!
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
W 22 - 26 decent ramps to nadda
1.30 hours
Naish Supercross 257 94L Starboard Free 87 87L Sailworks Revo 4.8 wave fin 9-11"
Got there as it kicked up late at 2:30, waves building very nicely & picking up for a great day when gusts started, all over 2 hrs later when it dropped to 6.5 typical Nat mediocrity after but marine layer killed the sun & I froze my ass in the shorty. Hightailed it to warm trailer in Lake Cow, Youbou going OFF :!: still. Campground is basically deserted.
Tomorrow's forecast doesn't look great either, we'll see :roll:
Sail 6 Wave 5 Jump 4
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Russian Dood
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Russian Dood

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 415
This Year: 0
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WSW 18 - 25 some swell, chop
1.50 hours
Starboard Evo 70L 229cm Ezzy Wave 4.5
what a day! Hucked 8 attempts today. #6 was the best but still looking like a bad volcan :oops: Doc and Dunkinguy are great inspiration! Coming close!!!! NEED MORE! :twisted:
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Ross Bay, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Monday July 12, 2004
Total Records: 265
This Year: 0
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Ross Bay, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Ross Bay, Windsurfing
WSW 18 - 29 3+ footers nicely spread
1.00 hours
Starboard GO 190L Sailworks Retro 6.5 Garmin GPS Etrex Legend
Started out windy and got windier. First sesh in 3 weeks so took it pretty easy. Nailed a few jibes near the end.
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 13

Log Started: Sunday August 22, 2004
Total Records: 1339
This Year: 13
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
W 18 - 25 small chop, some swell
3.00 hours
Wind Obsession Fish 92 L 7'8" Starboard Evo 74 7'6" Ezzy Wave SE 5.0
Good fun with RG, BWD, MW, DG, Fishies, etc. Harder to find ramps today, but good nonetheless. Trying to learn the finer points of hucking. Trev was good inspiration.
My virgin hands are getting shredded after only 2 sessions.
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Wednesday July 7, 2004
Total Records: 294
This Year: 0
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 18 - 25 chop, rogue swell
3.00 hours
Starboard Evo 74 Ezzy Wave SE 5.0
Was a bit afraid of this outing, with so much talk of unleashing hate. But, pulled it together and had a blast. :D What a turnout. over 15 people ripping it up. RD and BWD going over the handlebars with good authority :o TheLaw doing border patrol and riding the big ones. DunkinGuy and Doc owning the forward stage. :evil: BWD working on shuvits, and has promised to teach me the move when it's wired.
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 9

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 1148
This Year: 9
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
W 18 - 25 chop
3.00 hours
Starboard Evo 70 228cm Ezzy SE 4.5
Another great day! No epic swell but good little ramps. Happy to try some forwards near the end of the session - man I've got a long way to go on those. Tried lots of baby Shuvits. Doc, Dunkinguy and Morewind showing some good hate out there.
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Kite Kook
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0
Kite Kook

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 202
This Year: 0
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
WSW 14 - 18 mixed bag
0.50 hours
Ocean Rodeo ONE 12m
D'oh! I watched for what seemed like forever, lots of wind, and then some. When I finally got out, it dropped for exactly how long I was out, plus 30 seconds! Timing was off, but still good to get out. The kite eats gusts for breakfast, but holes and lack of lift are still facts of life...
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Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Wednesday March 16, 2005
Total Records: 185
This Year: 0
Wednesday July 5, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Wednesday July 5, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 20 - 30 small swell
3.00 hours
Starboard EVO74 74 Ezzy SE Wave 5.2
Well the Hate bubbled up a little, not as much as I had hoped but a very fun day. Almost the entire crew was there...even Fish and Fishette (sorry Barbara!) made an after work appearance. Had some sweet swell rides on the outside....middles to outside was good early on and then it filled in to the beach for about an hour. UMMMM to say that Windoc is good at forwards is an understatement...I don't think the Africa trip hurt his sailing. I am pretty sure I saw an upwind 360 from Morewind on the Hevo...nic ... (more)
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Tuesday July 4, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 1

Log Started: Saturday January 22, 2005
Total Records: 1146
This Year: 1
Tuesday July 4, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Tuesday July 4, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 27 - 33 4' Froth
4.50 hours
Seatrend Wave ATV Special 72 Hi-Fly Move 95 Northwave GSX Wave 4.2
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Windiest day I have ever seen at Nitinaht / Nukinaht / Nitinuke!!!
Sailed a 4.2 and the smallest boards I have ever sailed (successfully). :)
4.2/72L 2.5 hrs
4.2/95L 0.5 hrs
4.2/80L 1.0 hrs Hitech glass board (Gunter's loan/test drive program :)
5.0/80L 0.5 hrs
The glass board was the smoothest ride in the chop, even when way overpowered. NICE !!! Not so good for jumping though....
EPIC DAY to remember!!!!!
:D :D :D : ... (more)
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Tuesday July 4, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday August 3, 2004
Total Records: 285
This Year: 0
Tuesday July 4, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Tuesday July 4, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 25 - 30 swell city
1.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 8m
Should have got out earlier but the soccer game went into overtime!
Very powered on the 8m at first then it got gusty,jerky and not very comfortable so decided I had had enough. How many days in a row has it been anyway?
More to come today and then off to that secret lake up north island.
Oh, by the way, does anyone know if Grant Watson has his pilots license, lol!! Couldn't tell if that was the space shuttle launch or just Grant!
Lots of windsurfers out today.
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