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     gnome Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nimpkish Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Monday April 17, 2006
    Total Records: 29
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nimpkish Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nimpkish Lk, Windsurfing SW 20 - 30
    2.00 hours Starboard Carve 131
    Naish Force 5.3
    Another awesome day. The wind picked up late in the day - almost 2:00 before I ventured out. This time I was in the footstraps, but way overpowered - could have easily been on a 4.5. We had to leave early today, so I didn't want to loose any time on the water by re-rigging a smaller sail. So I hung on, and went screaming back and forth. Kept pushing upwind to take off some of the speed! The wind was full all the way across the lake. Very nice indeed! Tried to plan my return to the beach more gracefully this ... (more)
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     voodmon Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Tuesday March 29, 2005
    Total Records: 210
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing W 20 - 35
    4.00 hours starboard EVO 74 7'6
    north voodoo 5.3
    best from 3-7pm.....tops being blown off waves at times indicating 35knots....massively overpowered on 5.3 with viper and carbon boom....incredibly fast off the wind....the evo simply rips when tuned for speed...does'nt top out.....the 04 anyway... :twisted:
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     Windsurfish Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 1


    Log Started:
    Saturday January 22, 2005
    Total Records: 1146
    This Year: 1

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing SW 25 - 29
    2-3' swell/chop
    5.50 hours Hi-Fly Move 95
    Starboard Carve 111
    Ezzy SE Wave 4.5
    Ezzy SE Wave 5
    Ezzy SE Wave 6.0
    Northwave GSX Wave 4.2
    :D :D :D :D :D Nitinuke!!!

    0.5 hrs on the 6.0/111L that blew me off the water. 3 hrs on 5.0/95L, then a 1.5hr 4.5/95 session, then a short 0.5hr 4.2/95L. My jumps are greatly improving, but jibes in the chop are still a challenge (~20%)..... WOW!!!

    :D :D :D :D :D
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     bean Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 231
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing W 20 - 30
    some wind swell
    4.00 hours JP FSW 77
    Ezzy Wave 5.0
    Slow to build but eventually got to 4.2 wind. I was too lazy to re-rig so stuck it out on the 5.0. Content and slightly bruised from yesterday's forwards I was happy to enjoy cruising, jumping, mini table-tops working on tacks and spent some time on vulcans - getting nowhere fast. Nice to finally have some ok wind swell late in the day.
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     Gareth Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Tuesday March 22, 2005
    Total Records: 115
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing W 25 - 28
    4.00 hours Ocean Rodeo Zen 135
    Ocean Rodeo One 7m
    Really loving this kite. It takes a little getting used to-very fast.
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     mortontoemike Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Saturday March 12, 2005
    Total Records: 209
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing SW 25 - 30
    swell and chop
    4.00 hours Starboard Kombat 95 L
    Gaastra Poison 5.0m^2
    Aerotech Phantom 5.3m^2
    Unreal! I’ve never experienced winds this strong at Nitinaht. It didn’t crank up fully until about 3pm but when it did the 5.3 even outhauled was to much! Sailed for a couple of hours on the Kombat and Poison 5.0! Wicked!
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     dunkinguy Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nimpkish Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 1


    Log Started:
    Sunday January 1, 2006
    Total Records: 228
    This Year: 1

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nimpkish Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nimpkish Lk, Windsurfing N 12 - 20
    chop witha few swells
    3.00 hours Starboard EVO 74
    Severne Blade 5.7
    Two fun days at the lake sailed with Gene and Barb, Paul, and Poodle Dave. Mostly 5.8 and a huge wind shadow. Probably won't go back. Bad BUGS.
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     windwoman Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0

    Log Started:
    Tuesday April 4, 2006
    Total Records: 42
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing SW 20 - 30
    repeat of Saturday
    1.50 hours
    More of yesterday's fun but busy with family activities so not as much TOW.
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     Russian Dood Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0
    Russian Dood


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 6, 2004
    Total Records: 415
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing W 20 - 25
    5.00 hours Fanatic FreeWave 88L 239 cm
    Ezzy Wave 4.5
    Ground hog day #2

    except this time his [b:af3df879dd]Phattness[/b:af3df879dd] motivated me to go trash myself trying to loop in side chop. :shock: tried it 5 times. They all looked nothing like loops, but trashing part totally worked, but I'm totally stocked

    3 tacks
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     themorb Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Wednesday March 22, 2006
    Total Records: 251
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing W 20 - 20
    5.00 hours Starboard Trance 84 L
    Hot Sails Maui Superfreak 5.5
    Extremely happy with my new sail... now I need a 4.5 and 5.0 to match :)
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     Kite Kook Sunday July 2, 2006
    Cook Street, Kitesurfing
    This Year: 0
    Kite Kook


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 202
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Cook Street, Kitesurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Cook Street, Kitesurfing SSW 14 - 15
    death chop
    1.00 hours Ocean Rodeo ONE 12m
    barely escaped the bubble on launching only to succumb to it less than an hour later... :( Faced with a long swim in with gear, pleasantly surprised to get some help from the Edmeister. Karma seems to be on his side, as within 10 minutes of coming in, he was out ripping on his 16. In fact, everyone looked to be having a good time as I packed up... :?
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     bwd Sunday July 2, 2006
    Hatchery, WA, Windsurfing
    This Year: 9


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 6, 2004
    Total Records: 1148
    This Year: 9

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Hatchery, WA, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Hatchery, WA, Windsurfing W 15 - 23
    3.00 hours RRD FSW85 238cm
    Starboard Evo 70 228cm
    Ezzy SE 4.5
    Another good day. HOT. Got a few hours in before the crowds hit the water. It was windy, but the wind had no real punch to it. Floaty board made the difference. Parking lot full by 9am. Too bad TheLAw left, today is shaping up to be a big Wall day.
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     Bobson Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 29


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 965
    This Year: 29

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing W 25 - 30
    flat then choppers
    4.50 hours Starboard Formula Experience 156
    Starboard iSonic 105
    Severne Overdrive 8.5
    Severne Gator 7.0
    :D :D :D Yup, another triple smiler! Arrived at the lake for the day at 10am with Keener. Rigged the FE and 8.5m and it was GREAT! 10-18kts but with big holes so basically no one else out on the lake!! Then it filled in at 12:30 to 20-25kts so rigged the Isonic and 7.0m Gator and ripped for another hour and a half then came in a took a break as it was blowing more than 25kts. Then it dropped back down to 20kts ish for another hour and then it picked up to 25-30+ and didn't let up so we left at 6:15pm when ... (more)
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     TheLaw Sunday July 2, 2006
    The Hatch, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Wednesday March 16, 2005
    Total Records: 185
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 The Hatch, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     The Hatch, Windsurfing W 15 - 20
    2.00 hours Starboard EVO74 74
    Ezzy SE Wave 5.2
    Last day in the Gorge....4 days at the Hatch 2 days at Oceanside and 1 day at Stevenston, 7/9 sailing days looks good on paper but man what a chore it was this year with the forecasting. Sailed until around 2ish and then had to leave....about 1000 people on the water as it was the only place in Gorge that was windy. Left BWD in the water ripping things up...(I said good-bye before leaving.)
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     morewind Sunday July 2, 2006
    Gordons, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Wednesday July 7, 2004
    Total Records: 294
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Gordons, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Gordons, Windsurfing WSW 18 - 22
    low rollers
    2.00 hours RRD Freestyle Wave 100
    Ezzy Wave SE 5.0
    MM5 was eerily right today - wind at 5pm. :D Fun session with Wingnut, Barb, Fish, Arturo, PastaDood. Nice to see someone near Martin's learning on a Go.
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     j_dog Sunday July 2, 2006
    Kailua, Hawaii, Kitesurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Monday March 13, 2006
    Total Records: 293
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Kailua, Hawaii, Kitesurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Kailua, Hawaii, Kitesurfing NE 15 - 20
    1' swell
    3.00 hours RRD Triple X 132
    Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12m
    Ocean Rodeo Punch-out
    Had a great sunset session today, just never wanted it to end. About five kiters out today with three windsurfers. Then had it all to myself for the last half and hour, loving every minute of it 8)
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     Fish Sunday July 2, 2006
    Gordons, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 6, 2004
    Total Records: 230
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Gordons, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Gordons, Windsurfing WSW 20 - 26
    2.00 hours Starboard Wave 253
    North Style 5.4
    Didn't kick in till 5:00, but then it was a fun sesh fog on outside, sunny on the inside. Sailed up to Muir Creek, then picked off swells all the way back to the g-spot. Especailly nice to have MW hand out the cold bevvies post sesh. Nice touch.
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     more force 4 Sunday July 2, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 2
    more force 4


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 1008
    This Year: 2

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing SSW 25 - 33
    2.5 mini swells
    4.00 hours Bic Adagio 107
    Hyfly Free 266 108
    Seatrend Accelerator 89
    North Voodoo 4.5
    Ezzy Wave 5.8
    :D :shock: Excellent excellent day! Did a little 5.8 sailing, with a little under 4.5 early on. Then powered to WAY OP on 4.5 at the end. Had to sail pushing hard out with back hand , weighting the front to keep the nose down, still going faster than I wanted! Didn't crash much, felt relaxed most of the time, made a few gybes. Loads of beginners out in the AM, Bobson counted 60 sailboards on the water at once mid-afternoon. Nitinat at its finest.
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     colin Sunday July 2, 2006
    the spit, Kitesurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Saturday October 30, 2004
    Total Records: 219
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 the spit, Kitesurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     the spit, Kitesurfing S 18 - 23
    2.00 hours airush misfit 115
    airush lift 10
    squamish again, work braught me over to the mainland. this time it was for myself though.....not the man. nice and sunny, warm fresh water.
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     Wingnut Sunday July 2, 2006
    Gordons, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Tuesday October 5, 2004
    Total Records: 416
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Gordons, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Gordons, Windsurfing WSW 16 - 23
    Some decent swell later
    2.50 hours Starboard Fish 85 l. 7'8"
    Neil Pryde Zone 5.6 m.
    Not quite as windy as yesterday but fun at times. The swell got nice later on and the last 1/2 hour that we sailed was solid 4.7 wind. The fog came and went during the session but it wasn't as thick as it sometimes is. Sailing tomorrow would make it four in a row. :shock: :D

    Thanks for the beer MW.
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     JL Sunday July 2, 2006
    Gordons, Kitesurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Thursday July 22, 2004
    Total Records: 999
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Gordons, Kitesurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Gordons, Kitesurfing W 15 - 23
    1.00 hours Ocean Rodeo Mako 150
    Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12 M
    Ocean Rodeo Bronco 9 M
    Ocean Rodeo Spinning Bar w./P.-out 50cm
    Good turn out...Fog day...Mark V. put on a good show.
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     thankgodiatepastafobreaky Sunday July 2, 2006
    Gordons, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 349
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Gordons, Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Gordons, Windsurfing WNW 18 - 22
    chop with small ramps
    2.00 hours starboard trance 85
    Neil Pryde Core 5.4
    Medium wind until the golden hour when the wind kicked in, just in time to put a smile on everyone's face! :D
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     KC7777 Sunday July 2, 2006
    Harrison Lake (Rivtow), Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Wednesday July 28, 2004
    Total Records: 257
    This Year: 0

    Sunday July 2, 2006 Harrison Lake (Rivtow), Windsurfing
     Sunday July 2, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Harrison Lake (Rivtow), Windsurfing SW 14 - 19
    nutty boat chop
    2.50 hours JP FreeRace 142L
    Ezzy Infinity 8.5
    Good day. Warm, sunny, very powered up, somtimes a bit overpowered. Might go 8.0M when I sell the Ezzy 8.5M? Shorts and rashie again. Boat chop was everywhere. At one point I was ripping through two kites, around some jetskiers, past a sailboat, around some boats just sitting there drinking and then almost got hit by tube being pulled behind another boat. Definitely had to keep the eyes looking around.
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     gnome Saturday July 1, 2006
    Nimpkish Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Monday April 17, 2006
    Total Records: 29
    This Year: 0

    Saturday July 1, 2006 Nimpkish Lk, Windsurfing
     Saturday July 1, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nimpkish Lk, Windsurfing SW 15 - 25
    2.00 hours Starboard Carve 131
    Naish Force 5.3
    My first Nimpkish day. I was a bit worried about the dreaded wind shadow that I keep hearing about. But in the end it was all for nothing. The first few minutes were a bit of a slog, but not too bad, and once on the other side, it was magical. Wind was great, but there seemed to be a hole in the middle of the lake. Otherwise it was fast and furious, and somewhat uncontrolled, as I wasn't in the footstraps! Tried tacking, as as I didn't want to lose any of the precious ground I've gained upwind, but no luck. ... (more)
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     voodmon Saturday July 1, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Tuesday March 29, 2005
    Total Records: 210
    This Year: 0

    Saturday July 1, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Saturday July 1, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing W 20 - 30
    chop chop
    5.00 hours starboard EVO 74 7'6
    north voodoo 5.3
    north voodoo 4.7
    nice easy nitinat... :twisted:
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     Windsurfish Saturday July 1, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 1


    Log Started:
    Saturday January 22, 2005
    Total Records: 1146
    This Year: 1

    Saturday July 1, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Saturday July 1, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing SW 23 - 27
    2-3' swell/chop
    6.20 hours Hi-Fly Move 95
    Ezzy SE Wave 5
    :D :D :D :D :D Nukinaht!!! Learned a new word "anemomania" = wind obsessed. More of an unbelievable session at the lake. No broken booms, just lots of air and fun :D :D :D :D :D
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     bean Saturday July 1, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 231
    This Year: 0

    Saturday July 1, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Saturday July 1, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing W 20 - 25
    lake chop
    4.00 hours JP FSW 77
    Ezzy Wave 5.0
    Crummy chop again today but solid 5.0 wind. I was ready to give up on my goal today but a wicked unknown to me sailor stoked me up again and I hucked the lake for the first time. Did about seven forwards off tiny ramps and most of them made it around to the waterstart position and I was up and away with a slightly bruised ass but full of fire :twisted: . What a breakthrough day. Can't wait to work on them in better conditions.
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     Gareth Saturday July 1, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Tuesday March 22, 2005
    Total Records: 115
    This Year: 0

    Saturday July 1, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
     Saturday July 1, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing W 20 - 27
    4.00 hours Ocean Rodeo Zen 135
    Ocean Rodeo One 7m
    Ocean Rodeo One 12m
    Love the 7m, good bottom end-nowhere near the top end-wondering what it will handle?
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     mortontoemike Saturday July 1, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Saturday March 12, 2005
    Total Records: 209
    This Year: 0

    Saturday July 1, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Saturday July 1, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing SW 22 - 27
    chop and swell
    4.00 hours Starboard Kombat 95 L
    Aerotech Phantom 5.3m^2
    Generic Ibupropen 200mg X 3
    It’s blowing at 9am! Ventured out on the Kombat and 5.3 at about 1 pm and pumped it up on a plane. About 2/3 across my fin snapped off. Sailed back without a fin using the rail for grip. Very hard work :evil: :evil: :evil: ! Sailed the rest of the day on the Kombat and 5.3. The chop and swell are wicked :twisted:!
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     dunkinguy Saturday July 1, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 1


    Log Started:
    Sunday January 1, 2006
    Total Records: 228
    This Year: 1

    Saturday July 1, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Saturday July 1, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used: Edit/View record
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing SW 20 - 25
    small chop
    2.00 hours Starboard EVO 74
    Severne Blade 4.7
    Nic and I hit it late Saturday. Good winds and badd crowds. Left promtly. :?
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-2025