Wednesday June 28, 2006
The Hatch, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Wednesday March 16, 2005
Total Records: 185
This Year: 0
Wednesday June 28, 2006
The Hatch, Windsurfing
Wednesday June 28, 2006
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The Hatch, Windsurfing
W 20 - 30 swell and chop
3.00 hours
Starboard EVO74 74 Ezzy SE Wave 4.2
Pretty fun day. Morewind throwing some Hate. A bit of a slow start for us today but things turned out pretty good. BWD joined us for a session. Tomorrow looks like a carbon copy of today. Nearly pushed my nose through my sail doing a push loop....there was video to confirm that it is a push loop and not a back loop that I have been getting around on. Hopefully some more progression tomorrow. :twisted:
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Wednesday June 28, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday August 3, 2004
Total Records: 285
This Year: 0
Wednesday June 28, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Wednesday June 28, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
WSW 15 - 18 smooth swells
1.40 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12m
:D the wind came up late today but was just right when it did. Not too strong for the 12m and not too light. Nice creamy smooth swells.
Saw a surfer at Muir Creek earlier so really wanted to get out there.
The wind was up high which made for virually no chop just nice swells.
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 1

Log Started: Saturday January 22, 2005
Total Records: 1146
This Year: 1
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 25 - 33 4' Froth
5.50 hours
Hi-Fly Move 95 Ezzy SE Wave 5
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D "Nukin" - George Agnes once said this :)
Wind started at 6AM, fog, sailed until silly - still blowing at 7PM.... Classic fog day at the lake - Yummo
Enrolled in the Gunter school of jumping !
:) :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Cook Street, Windsurfing
WSW 20 - 36 death chop to 3' ramps
3.40 hours
Angulo Jesus Loves You, Chango 95L Starboard Evo 80 80L Gaastra Manic 5.3 wave fin 9-11" megawave 28
2 seshs in one, barely planing thru deathchop/kelp orchards to get to Clover, nice smooooooth swellettes, fun for 1hr, as wind died :shock: ran home on mostly S wind. Sat & caught kites for 1hr waiting, returned W steadily building to what were low 4's conditions, my 5.3 maxed waaaay OP, survival sailing, then hi tide floating forest showed up to end sesh, too bad. I'd have re-rigged :roll: Great to get some strong wind tho, it's been a while 8) 8) 8)
Sail 7 Wave 5 Jump 4
Ruskie had the righ ... (more)
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 1

Log Started: Sunday January 1, 2006
Total Records: 228
This Year: 1
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
W 25 - 30 swell and steep hate ramp
3.00 hours
Starboard EVO 74 Severne Blade 4.7
Best day of the season for me. Hooked up with johnny Atkinson for a blast from the past. Wind filled in nicely all the way to the beach. Solidly wound on the 4.7. Nailed a bunch of loops, upwind 360's and Very close on a couple backies today. Will I ever stick one of those little hateful manoeuvers? Good vibe on the aqua today. Burgers and beer with John and Wingnut.
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Log Started: Tuesday April 4, 2006
Total Records: 42
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 20 - 30 Wild
2.00 hours
Woke to the sound of howling wind and a huge fogbank at the end of the lake. After packing everything away I could for home later in the day a I knew I couldn't avoid an attempt. I rigged the 4.2 as flat as I could and after initially having some courage and rerigging stalls I ended up having the time of my life out there!!! Couldn't have done it without the Surfwood 70, the Revo 4.2 and the borrowed fin from Mortontoe Mike. Thanks everyone for feeding my addiction. Yahooooo!!!
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Oceanside, OR, Windsurfing
This Year: 9

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 1148
This Year: 9
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Oceanside, OR, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Oceanside, OR, Windsurfing
WNW 10 - 25 3-8ft+
1.50 hours
RRD FSW85 238cm Starboard Evo 70 228cm Ezzy SE 4.5
Well this was the most challenging day I have ever sailed. It was gusty - 0 to 25+ kts, and there were some logo to mast high sets. A very interesting day and lots of work. The waves were really really sweet though. Got punished a lot. MikeC making it look easy as usual. A very humbling day for me :shock:
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday March 22, 2005
Total Records: 115
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
WSW 25 - 35 Big chop 1 nice wave
1.50 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo One 12m
Holy smokes-Amped 12 m with some huge jumps. It was doable until too much debris washed in. It was neat to see a 7m, 9m and 12 m One all out at the same time-all with smiles. i would have been way more comfortable on a smaller kite. definately nearing the top end of the 12 for me. However, it still feels like cheating in that you can always spill power if you remember too sheet out way further than normal.
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday August 21, 2004
Total Records: 186
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
WSW 25 - 35 rough large swell
3.00 hours
ocean rodeo mako 150cm Ozone Instinct Bow black red and white 9 meter
:lol: Excellent time on the water.Nuke'n windy.My bow kite ate the gusts for breakfast.Going huge and loven it.Yehh!! Except for the mass of debri in the water. Which shut down my jump's. :shock: :cry:
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Russian Dood
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Russian Dood

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 415
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Cook Street, Windsurfing
WSW 20 - 35 4 ft swell, lotsa crap
2.00 hours
Starboard Evo 70L 229cm Fanatic FreeWave 88L 239 cm Ezzy Wave 4.5 Ezzy Wave 5.5
Started on big stuff only to run for a smaller sail 30 min later, by the time I was done rigging, it was obvious that I also needed smaller board. By the time I was on the water again I regretted I didn't rig up 4.0 :shock:
Good swell, but tons of debris in the water. Like walking a mine field, but then it cleared up a little
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday March 29, 2005
Total Records: 210
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Cook Street, Windsurfing
W 5 - 43 smooth..psycho..big..unex
4.00 hours
starboard kombat 95 244 starboard EVO 74 7'6 north voodoo 5.3
Well..watt can i say...[i:7d11cecbb2] hi voltage on the 5.3 in 43 knots..nice rangy sail you said the viper turbo charges..jesusC....last thing i need in 43 carbon boom helped too....felt good....being the old man ..nice to have Kuz was overpowered on his 5.3 tooo.....since he's 220...voodmon out[/i:7d11cecbb2]
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday October 5, 2004
Total Records: 416
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
W 25 - 35 Choppy early, 2-5' swell
3.50 hours
Starboard Acid 77 8'1" Ezzy SE Wave 4.7
. :D What a great day at Gordo's. Looked like 4.0 conditions when I was driving past Otter Pt., but because it was light on the inside I went with my 4.7 downhauled to the max. which turned out to be a good decision because it was plenty windy for a 4.0 . The only negative thing was the strong flood tide which made it a chore to get upwind and a strip of weird chop in the middle that wasn't fun to sail thru. Outside of that it was much smoother swells and tons of wind. Later on the strong wind moved right i ... (more)
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday March 12, 2005
Total Records: 209
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 25 - 30 swell - chop - waves
5.50 hours
Starboard Kombat 95 L Aerotech Phantom 5.3m^2 Generic Ibupropen 200mg X 3
Finally. Morning FOG! It was blowing by 8am! Got on the water at 10am on the Kombat 95 and a 5.3. TOTALLY OVERPOWERED but it's the smalest sail I brought. Into the beach to downhaul and outhaul. At about noon it got gusty but it was easily 30kts in the gusts. Got lots of airtime. Some big crashes and hail Mary jibes. Lots of good friends on the water. Roger, Chris, Windsurfish and Janetfish, Henk, Armando, Mike, and Pat who was really tearing it up out there. An A-1 Nitinat day. Got off the wate ... (more)
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Nimpkish Lk, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Friday April 15, 2005
Total Records: 32
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Nimpkish Lk, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Nimpkish Lk, Kitesurfing
N 15 - 25 moderate swell with chop
2.00 hours
Tactile ZX529K... FDR876 prototype 187b 139 Best Yarga 11m
Spent a few days at the lake,
all three days wind started around 10 or earlier depending on desired kite size. first two days, wind was solid but definately a bit gusty. Rode 9m both days fully powered. Today was pretty holey though, until around 3 or so. Wind would be cranking and then would just shut off more or less. West side of the lake was windier though. Anyway overall good kiting.
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Wavos Rancheros
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Wavos Rancheros

Log Started: Wednesday July 13, 2005
Total Records: 31
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 25 - 33 the full gamut
3.00 hours
JP Australia 251 North Voodoo Wave 4.7
[color=green:49d9b9cc7f][/color:49d9b9cc7f]That was one sweet afternoon of fully powered times it reminded me of a great day at Los Barriles. Swell was fun and ramps galore...i'm prayin for anudder day like dat!
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 231
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
NW 20 - 30 big wind swell
2.00 hours
JP FSW 77 Ezzy Wave 5.0
Smiles all around. 3 for 3 and each day better than the last. Fully lit 5.0 with big port ramps and up to head high smooth swells to jibe in. Too chicken to try forwards on port but a couple of backs almost made it all the way around. STOKED!!!!!!!
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Harrison Lake (Rivtow), Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Wednesday July 28, 2004
Total Records: 257
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Harrison Lake (Rivtow), Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Harrison Lake (Rivtow), Windsurfing
SW 19 - 30 1 foot chop blown flat!
1.50 hours
JP Super-X 116L Ezzy Infinity 7.0
Got there and it was blowing 19-20 or so….that was the lull. I rigged 7.0M and went out on the JP SuperX 116L. It had just come down so I thought it was dying off? Out I go and it is good for a while....then it starts crankin’ . I was thinking go rig smaller and grab my small board but I was so lit up. Scared and just hanging on as that board just flies over chop without slowing and enters jibes at crazy speeds. It cranked up more just as I miss a jibe on the far side. Then I was unable to wate ... (more)
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday October 30, 2004
Total Records: 219
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
SW 17 - 28 ramps
2.00 hours
airush misfit 115 airush lift 10
nice 10m session. down to ross bay, up to ogden twice. one tack up, took starboard tack way up wind, further off shore than i have been before. big airs when the wind was crankin!
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Event Site, OR, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Wednesday July 7, 2004
Total Records: 294
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Event Site, OR, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Event Site, OR, Windsurfing
SW 5 - 25 flat
2.00 hours
RRD Freestyle Wave 100 Ezzy Wave SE 5.0
stop 'n go freestyle in gusty conditions. The-planing-mennonite got in the groove and was back in Gorge form :!: Way to go Huger :!:
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Hatch, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Wednesday March 16, 2005
Total Records: 185
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Hatch, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Hatch, Windsurfing
W 25 - 35 big swell
3.00 hours
Starboard EVO74 74 Ezzy SE Wave 4.2
Classic gorge day at the hatch. Thermal low passed by and it cranked 3.5-4.0. biggest swell I have ever seen (@ the Hatch). It was like a hair dryer out there...32-33C and crankin'. Another good day tomorrow...hopefully.
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday August 3, 2004
Total Records: 285
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 15 - 25 swell and chop
1.40 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12m
Got out early at just past 10:00 am. Nice jumping in the gusts but got to be too much with the 12m at the end. Timed it perfectly with the Spain/France game at noon!
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Tuesday June 27, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Thursday July 22, 2004
Total Records: 999
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 27, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 15 - 25 3' chop low w. swell
1.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Mako 150 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12 M Ocean Rodeo Spinning Bar w./P.-out 50cm
Got out on the 12m early. Sneaky 25 knot squalls licking up my backside. Called it quits early...Gusty & squally...Perfect for the w-surfers !!!
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Monday June 26, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 1

Log Started: Saturday January 22, 2005
Total Records: 1146
This Year: 1
Monday June 26, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Monday June 26, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 20 - 26 Slightly bigger lake roll
4.50 hours
Hi-Fly Move 95 Starboard Carve 111 Sailworks Retro 5.0 Sailworks Retro 6.0
:) :D :D :D :D :D No formula run in the AM - wind is up :) Steady progression to smaller gear - getting primed for fog - lots of TOW with MTM, Janet & da crew :)
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Monday June 26, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Log Started: Tuesday April 4, 2006
Total Records: 42
This Year: 0
Monday June 26, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Monday June 26, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 15 - 25 nitinatish
3.00 hours
Another fabulous Nitinat/Hawaii day. Packed away the Carve 99 to concentrate on learning to sail the smaller board.
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Monday June 26, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday March 12, 2005
Total Records: 209
This Year: 0
Monday June 26, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Monday June 26, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 18 - 25
4.50 hours
Starboard Kombat 95 L Starboard Carve 121 Gaastra Matrix 6.0 m^2 Aerotech Phantom 5.3m^2 Generic Ibupropen 200mg X 3
Carbon copy of yesterday except no 7.5. Went upwind on the 6.0 and 121 and chased Roger and Oerst aroiund for about an hour. It was fairly marginal 6.0 conditions but woth a little pumping could get it on a plane every reach. At about 3 the wind cranked up and I switched to the KOMBAT 95 and 5.3. Got in a short ½ hour on the 121 and 6.0 in my bathing suit at 600 after the wind died. Is this Maui? HOT HOT HOT!! Good company on the beach for late evening wine sipping and conversation. Great Nitinat d ... (more)
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Monday June 26, 2006
Oceanside, OR, Windsurfing
This Year: 9

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 1148
This Year: 9
Monday June 26, 2006
Oceanside, OR, Windsurfing
Monday June 26, 2006
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Oceanside, OR, Windsurfing
WNW 15 - 25 3-6ft
2.00 hours
Starboard Evo 70 228cm Ezzy SE 4.5
The body felt a little numb today after a 7 hour drive and lots of jet lag. Sweet session with Morewind, TheLaw and MikeC. Really gusty at first then it mellowed a bit and the waves smoothed out a little.
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Kite Kook
Monday June 26, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0
Kite Kook

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 202
This Year: 0
Monday June 26, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
Monday June 26, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
WSW 20 - 23 typical nitinat
1.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo ONE 12m
Perfect wind, starting to truly figure out the One Kite. Sandra went out first, held on no problem to the 12! Would have been perfect 10 for me on the old kite, ger was out on the 10. The kite easily replaces the 10, 12, and 14. Came closer to sucess with the relauch, but I need to work on my technique.
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Monday June 26, 2006
Jericho, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Thursday June 9, 2005
Total Records: 48
This Year: 0
Monday June 26, 2006
Jericho, Windsurfing
Monday June 26, 2006
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Jericho, Windsurfing
NW 18 - 25 2
2.00 hours
Starboard Carve 80 Starboard Carve 99 Ezzy SE Wave 5.8 Ezzy SE Wave 5.2
Road the large stuff for an hour until it kicked it up a notch. Typical Jericho chop but one of the better days on home turf. Gman liked hunting me down with his big 8.5 unit until he snapped an arm on his Carbon boom'
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Monday June 26, 2006
Oceanside, OR, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Wednesday July 7, 2004
Total Records: 294
This Year: 0
Monday June 26, 2006
Oceanside, OR, Windsurfing
Monday June 26, 2006
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Oceanside, OR, Windsurfing
NNW 20 - 25 3-8 ft swell
2.00 hours
Starboard Evo 74 Ezzy Wave SE 5.0
Another classic down-the-line day :D :D :D What a place :!: :!:
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Monday June 26, 2006
Oceanside Ore Coast, Windsurfing
This Year: 29

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 965
This Year: 29
Monday June 26, 2006
Oceanside Ore Coast, Windsurfing
Monday June 26, 2006
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Oceanside Ore Coast, Windsurfing
NW 15 - 25 Freakin Huge
1.00 hours
Starboard Kombat 86 Severne Gatro 6.0
Holy Smokes!! Got to Oceanside early, swell was big and waves crashing were a little overwhelming. Rigged the 6.0m as the wind hadn't kicked up yet. Took a hit of RedBull and headed out. Made it past the shorebreak and ripped out over some super big swell. Made a couple of runs out and back but stayed outside the impact zone. Last run coming in fell and wave went right over top of me and rig. Blowing 25kts now....a wee bit overppowed! Rig pulled from my hands and when I popped up the rig was 20ft away. I sw ... (more)
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