Friday June 23, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Friday July 16, 2004
Total Records: 143
This Year: 0
Friday June 23, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
Friday June 23, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
W 118 - 18 chop
1.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 136 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 16m Ocean Rodeo Session Harness
Quick sesh before heading into the store for work, nice warm up for the weekend
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The Gman
Friday June 23, 2006
Jericho, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
The Gman

Log Started: Saturday May 21, 2005
Total Records: 36
This Year: 0
Friday June 23, 2006
Jericho, Windsurfing
Friday June 23, 2006
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Jericho, Windsurfing
WNW 10 - 15 small chop
1.00 hours
JP Freerace 142 L Ezzy Infinity 8.5
Wishing for a 10.0 but making do with the 8.5. Planing half the time before giving up and hitting the bottle...
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Mike C
Friday June 23, 2006
Punta San Carlos, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Mike C

Log Started: Sunday July 3, 2005
Total Records: 36
This Year: 0
Friday June 23, 2006
Punta San Carlos, Windsurfing
Friday June 23, 2006
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Punta San Carlos, Windsurfing
WNW 20 - 25 Mast High Plus
7.00 hours
Starboard Acid 74 Severne Blade 4.7
Just sailed the greatest day of my life. Huge South swell rolled in for my last day in Baja, prompting high surf advisories and the closure of So Cal beaches. The Chilli Bowl was breaking about 5 feet higher than mast high and this one dude was trying to chuck arials and getting pounded. More than once I saw him swim his gear out of the wind shadow. The meat of the wave was barreling, while the soft shoulder was feathering allowing pansies like me to play it safe. Just me and one other guy out at the bowl, ... (more)
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Thursday June 22, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Thursday June 22, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
Thursday June 22, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
W 12 - 15 flat
0.80 hours
Ocean Rodeo Bronco 16M OR Punch-out Bar
After much putting things off I had no other excuses, as per Jamie "God doesn't like cowards" I ended up self-launching 1st time @Nitinat, got on board 4 1st time & found it surprisingly easy, well, so to speak :oops: After running to middle of lake, going upwind even despite gusty crap wind, turned toeside only to remember you can go back & forth without stance change, ha! Had Vic catch the kite, as I wrapped up lines totally psyched, main bladder popped :evil:
Kite 8 Wave 1 Jump 0
... (more)
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Thursday June 22, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Thursday June 22, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Thursday June 22, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
W 14 - 20 flat
2.50 hours
Naish Supercross 257 94L BIC Blast 62 110L Gaastra Manic 5.3 North Duke 6.2 megawave 28
Not nearly as good as yesterday, got a few powered runs on the 5.3, then more and worse of the "on, off, on, mostly off, on, gusty" shit :evil: never seen the lake this bad when there is some wind
Tried out the new sail, handles well and heli's, ducks, and tacks nicely, and ended up sailing it mostly, broke out the larger board and it didn't improve anything, off to kite, screw this light wind stuff :x
Sail 3 Wave 1 Jump 1 This day sucked for windsurfing
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Kite Kook
Thursday June 22, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0
Kite Kook

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 202
This Year: 0
Thursday June 22, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Thursday June 22, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
SW 10 - 12 flat
0.10 hours
Ocean Rodeo ONE 12m
:( harumph. for evening kiting, dallas too little, gordons too much. would have been nice to be out gordons way earlier. or if our regular evening wind would come back at dallas! I had one tack out and back, and it was time to pack up and go drumming.
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Russian Dood
Thursday June 22, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Russian Dood

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 415
This Year: 0
Thursday June 22, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Thursday June 22, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WSW 20 - 30 saweeeet
1.50 hours
Fanatic FreeWave 88L 239 cm Starboard Evo 70L 229cm Ezzy Wave 4.0 Ezzy Wave 4.5
Came down there @ 4:45 guys were ripping on 3.7-4.2 sails. So I rigged up my 4.0 and Evo...... Man, the BEST session I've had on this sail so far. Then it dropped a little , so I had to rig 4.5; had tons of fun on 4.5/Evo combo till it dropped a little more, then I pulled out my Fanatic and polished up the ending of my session with pretty sweet frontside rides. Days like that :D :D :D
[b:cb08087f3f]BWD[/b:cb08087f3f] and [b:cb08087f3f]Winddoc[/b:cb08087f3f] get back home doods!!!!!
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Thursday June 22, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday October 5, 2004
Total Records: 416
This Year: 0
Thursday June 22, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Thursday June 22, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
W 25 - 33 4' swell, choppy in spots
3.00 hours
Starboard Acid 77 8'1" Starboard Fish 85 l. 7'8" Ezzy SE Wave 4.0 Ezzy SE Wave 4.7
:D Got there at 3:30 and rigged my 4.0 right away. I was mega powered up for a couple of hours and there were some nice smooth rollers to ride at times. Not a great day for jumps tho, because of swell direction. Then switched to 4.7 and fish for the last hour. Hurry back Dave and Chris - we'll try to save some for you. :lol:
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Thursday June 22, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday August 3, 2004
Total Records: 285
This Year: 0
Thursday June 22, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Thursday June 22, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 15 - 22 nice swells
1.40 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12m
What a day! I started early at about 11:15 on the 12m.
Hung on until it was getting to be too much to handle.
Bonnie & Johnny and Steve & Debbie were on 10m and 12m.
Jim joined us for a 12m session and then 9m.
Steve enjoyed a short session on the 10m but it soon became too much.
It really came up around 2:30/3:00 and the girls went out on 6m!
The windsurfers looked like they were having a great session as well.
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Thursday June 22, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday August 21, 2004
Total Records: 186
This Year: 0
Thursday June 22, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Thursday June 22, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
SSW 5 - 14 mixed
0.20 hours
ocean rodeo mako 150cm Ozone Instinct Bow black red and white 13 meter
:oops: Short ride.Nice sunny day,kind of a bust kiting.Gordens looks like the place to be today. :roll:
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Thursday June 22, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday October 30, 2004
Total Records: 219
This Year: 0
Thursday June 22, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Thursday June 22, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
SSW 12 - 14 calm
0.50 hours
airush misfit 115 airush lift 14
too light to get out there so i was just jumping off the beach onto my board. jumped off the beach, front roll, put board on and go! landed it first time and its on tape!! :P :P
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Thursday June 22, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Thursday July 22, 2004
Total Records: 999
This Year: 0
Thursday June 22, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Thursday June 22, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 15 - 25 3' chop wind driven swell
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Mako 150 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 9 M Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12 M Ocean Rodeo Spinning Bar w./P.-out 50cm
Amped up on the 12m...Rigged the 9m & was maxed out...New guy Kenny was learning on a 12 m one in 25 knot gusts. Impressive. Lots of powered up windsurfing going on. 34 knot gust reported @ Gordos later...Mexico chicks out on 6m kites..............5 in a row for Martin's wind machine !!!
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Wednesday June 21, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Wednesday June 21, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Wednesday June 21, 2006
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
W 16 - 22 Nat Flatish, odd 1-2'chop
2.50 hours
Naish Supercross 257 94L Gaastra Manic 5.3 megawave 28
Sailed a decent day's worth til late to practice standing 360's and heli's sunk thigh-high in water. Nice evening too, not too hot 8) Campground basically empty, go figure, slept so soundly, sweet Warpig Van camping!
Sail 6 Wave 3 Jump 3
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Wednesday June 21, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday March 22, 2005
Total Records: 115
This Year: 0
Wednesday June 21, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Wednesday June 21, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
WSW 12 - 15 small chop
1.50 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo One 12m
Light. OK until I messed up in the dreaded bowl at the end & dropped my kite out the sky. I joined 3/4 others for a mellow swim in.
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Kite Kook
Wednesday June 21, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0
Kite Kook

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 202
This Year: 0
Wednesday June 21, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Wednesday June 21, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
WSW 14 - 16 mixed
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo ONE 12m
lucky number 13... :( things were fine until I put the new kite in the water. tried every relauch trick under the sun to no avail. spent 30 minutes on the beach resetting the lines. Then went out and did it again! At least the second time no one else could relaunch either. caught out by 10 minutes of bad wind. Still, Thomas managed to keep it aloft through the whole deal. So not really sure what happened. Sunny and warm at least....
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Wavos Rancheros
Wednesday June 21, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Wavos Rancheros

Log Started: Wednesday July 13, 2005
Total Records: 31
This Year: 0
Wednesday June 21, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Wednesday June 21, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 15 - 23 decent swell outside
2.00 hours
Finally got to test drive the JP 251, but when I came in after an hour or so to change fins it dropped, so upsized the board and got another hour or so, nicely powered. 4.7 all the way through.
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Wednesday June 21, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday October 30, 2004
Total Records: 219
This Year: 0
Wednesday June 21, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Wednesday June 21, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
SW 15 - 17 calm
1.50 hours
airush misfit 115 airush lift 14
a little light but smoother than its been the last couple days. summer is here!
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Wednesday June 21, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Thursday July 22, 2004
Total Records: 999
This Year: 0
Wednesday June 21, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Wednesday June 21, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 14 - 18 2' confused chop
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Mako 150 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12 M Ocean Rodeo Spinning Bar w./P.-out 50cm
Good fun...I enjoy hearing Martin's Mexican friends complaining about the cold...(really from Oregon!!!)
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Wednesday June 21, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday August 3, 2004
Total Records: 285
This Year: 0
Wednesday June 21, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Wednesday June 21, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 127 - 127 some smooth some chop
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12m
Nice session, four days in a row. Thats more like the Gordo's we know.
Went up to Muir creek but there wasn't quite as much south in the wind as the last 2 days so a bit light and "flukey" there.
Steve and Debbie from Salem OR/LaVentana enjoyed the session on 12m and 10 ORs. Jim joined us on his 12m as well.
Once again, sun,wind and reasonably warm temps!
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Tuesday June 20, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday October 30, 2004
Total Records: 219
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 20, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 20, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
SW 15 - 18 chop
1.50 hours
airush misfit 115 airush lift 14
still not as good as it can be but its definately been improving. landed my first starboard kite loop. :P
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Tuesday June 20, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday August 21, 2004
Total Records: 186
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 20, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 20, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
WSW 18 - 24 smoothish
2.00 hours
ocean rodeo mako 150cm Ozone Instinct Bow black red and white 13 meter
:lol: Another sunny day,My new Ozone kite was a rocket.Great fun.
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Tuesday June 20, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Thursday July 22, 2004
Total Records: 999
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 20, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 20, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
WSW 12 - 18 low west swell
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Mako 150 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 14 M Ocean Rodeo Spinning Bar w./P.-out 50cm
2 sweet hours highlighted with a Muire creek session with Martin. Flat @ the Creek with a small swell coming through.
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Tuesday June 20, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday August 3, 2004
Total Records: 285
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 20, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 20, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
WSW 16 - 18 swell,flat and chop
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12m
A creamy, smooth session up at Muir creek. With a bit of south in the wind,I was able to make my inside turns right in the mouth of the creek,Neat!
Legs are getting tired after three days in a row.
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Monday June 19, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 1

Log Started: Sunday January 1, 2006
Total Records: 228
This Year: 1
Monday June 19, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Monday June 19, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
W 15 - 25 flat with little chop hat
1.50 hours
Starboard EVO 74 Severne Blade 4.7
Fun to get out again after another long hiatus. Hoked up with the Law for some Dunkin Slashin. Third Dunkin dude; Turtle also showed up. Fun 4.7 with Jose and the gang. Bit gusty, but nice and warm and just really good to miss the Stanley Cup final for a good session. Caught the most important (last 15 min.) on NW 980 on the drive home. Who really cares about hockey anyway. I'd rather be throwing hate than sitting in front of that little hate box feeling numb. Hopefully this is the official start to ... (more)
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Monday June 19, 2006
Esquimalt Lgn, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0
Log Started: Monday November 1, 2004
Total Records: 52
This Year: 0
Monday June 19, 2006
Esquimalt Lgn, Kitesurfing
Monday June 19, 2006
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Esquimalt Lgn, Kitesurfing
SW 13 - 25 Mostly Flat
0.80 hours
RRD Directional Globerider Sonic 11.0
There was a new mod for the GK bar, I got it and put it on.
Now I'm not sure if it was the mod, or if I rigged wrong.
But as soon as I self launched, the kite wasn't responding to steering input. It went out over the water, so I thought well thats where I want it anyway. About 50 feet out and down comes the kite.
The rest of the session was trying to figure out what was wrong.
The kite didn't want to relaunch properly, and when it did it acted real wierd.(I know it wasn't an invert)
For a second I th ... (more)
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Monday June 19, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday October 30, 2004
Total Records: 219
This Year: 0
Monday June 19, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Monday June 19, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
W 16 - 20 chop
1.00 hours
airush misfit 115 airush lift 14
nice and sunny, wind was not the greatest. dwayne landed a sick kite loop, have to learn that one!
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Kite Kook
Monday June 19, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0
Kite Kook

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 202
This Year: 0
Monday June 19, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Monday June 19, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
WSW 16 - 24 mixed
1.50 hours
Ocean Rodeo ONE 12m
What a great stoke - nice to see so many smiling faces and stoked riders. Once again, given the conditions, it was great to be on the ONE kite. It's not really that it makes it that much easier to kite (which it does), rather, it is the satisfaction while walking down to the beach and setting up that you KNOW you have the right size! :D
a few surges of high adrenaline wind, and a few pockets of lift from time to time made this a fun session. still learning the new kite.
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Monday June 19, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday July 27, 2004
Total Records: 35
This Year: 0
Monday June 19, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Monday June 19, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 15 - 25 chop and some rollers out
0.80 hours
Electric Rock 102L Sailworks Retro 6.0
First time out this year! Gusty and I was way overpowered which tired me out easily. God it felt good to get out and windsurf again! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D 45 mins and I was tired enough to come in. I didn't want to get caught out in the straight with no wind, so I played it safe and came in.
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Monday June 19, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Wednesday March 16, 2005
Total Records: 185
This Year: 0
Monday June 19, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Monday June 19, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 15 - 25 some small swell
1.50 hours
Starboard EVO74 74 Ezzy SE Wave 5.2
Weird day for Gordon's. Very gusty and the wind kept changing directions. One sweet slash with logo high spray...showing off for Dunkinguy1. Bottom line not the best...but not the worst. :?
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Monday June 19, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Monday June 19, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Monday June 19, 2006
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Cook Street, Windsurfing
SW 14 - 23 large chop out, flat in
2.50 hours
Angulo Jesus Loves You, Chango 95L Sailworks Revo 5.8 megawave 28
First 40 minutes playing in nice waves at Clover Pt were great, fully powered, nice rollers 8) things began to really suck after that, including especially kelp beds & the bubble. Had to go 1/2 way to Port Angeles to find decent waves & wind, even then it was sporadic. In close it gusted then died, repeat :x Another great kiting day tho :roll: except I wasn't on mine :wink:
Sail 5 Wave 4 Jump 2
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