Monday June 19, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday August 21, 2004
Total Records: 186
This Year: 0
Monday June 19, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Monday June 19, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
WSW 14 - 28 bumpy and slurpy
2.00 hours
ocean rodeo mako 150cm ocean rodeo diablo-blacktrim white body 13.7659
Great sunny sesh,nice to see all the smiling faces.Lifty and surging winds. :lol:
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Monday June 19, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Thursday July 22, 2004
Total Records: 999
This Year: 0
Monday June 19, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Monday June 19, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 17 - 25 3'
1.10 hours
Ocean Rodeo Mako 150 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12 M Ocean Rodeo Spinning Bar w./P.-out 50cm
Gusty but amped up session.
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Monday June 19, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday August 3, 2004
Total Records: 285
This Year: 0
Monday June 19, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Monday June 19, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
WSW 15 - 20 low west swell
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12m
Just right. Sun,wind and nice terrain.
Did an upwinder to Muir creek as the wind had enough south in it to make Muir workable. Small sets coming into the creek which were great fun.
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Monday June 19, 2006
Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 231
This Year: 0
Monday June 19, 2006
Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
Monday June 19, 2006
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Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
NW 10 - 20 teeny waves
1.00 hours
Mistral Score 104 Ezzy Wave 5.8
So so. Underpowered and still feeling a little sick. Nice to be out in the sun though. Seemed to pick up as I was derigging - as always.
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Sunday June 18, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Sunday June 18, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Sunday June 18, 2006
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Cook Street, Windsurfing
WSW 12 - 24 flat then 2'waves/chop
2.00 hours
Angulo Jesus Loves You, Chango 95L Sailworks Revo 5.8 megawave 28
Got off boat, unpacked, skipped dinner, Kooked. Caught tail end of kite wrapup but it seemed to build late, rewarded after 1hr wait/slog/waitsomemore w/decent wind, should 've been on a 5 :twisted: Decent odd ride, kelp really needs a storm trim :x Bit mainland-hungover so no tricks/practice to speak of, one lame backie & monkey, basic mellow maintenance/servicing sesh :wink: Happy Father's Day Sail 8) A bit lonely all by myself :cry:
Sail 6 Wave 5 Jump 4
Interesting blue hole over Esquimalt with c ... (more)
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Russian Dood
Sunday June 18, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Russian Dood

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 415
This Year: 0
Sunday June 18, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Sunday June 18, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
W 20 - 25
2.00 hours
Fanatic FreeWave 88L 239 cm Ezzy Wave 4.5 Ezzy Wave 5.5
[b:78ecceacc3]His Phattness[/b:78ecceacc3] and myself went first to JR. Randy and Art were playing with sweet waves so [b:78ecceacc3]His Hollyness[/b:78ecceacc3] commanded me to go. I couldn't refuse to obey the god, so I went.... oh well. That was a first mistake. Too much grass in the water, to little wind. Tried to make it work for about 30 min, but then gave up. Went back to G-spot and got rewarded! Woo hoo! nice action. I should have gone to there earlier.
And [b:78ecceacc3]Morewind[/b:78ecceacc3] ... (more)
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Sunday June 18, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday October 5, 2004
Total Records: 416
This Year: 0
Sunday June 18, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Sunday June 18, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
W 18 - 25 Small swell
3.00 hours
Starboard Fish 85 l. 7'8" Starboard Acid 77 8'1" Ezzy SE Wave 4.7
:D Another fun but mellow day at Gordo's with the usual group minus a few. I expected a bigger turnout after all the non-sailing we've had. Looks like maybe the season is going to get in gear now. 8)
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Sunday June 18, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Wednesday July 7, 2004
Total Records: 294
This Year: 0
Sunday June 18, 2006
Gordons, Windsurfing
Sunday June 18, 2006
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 18 - 23 1'-2' chop
3.00 hours
Starboard Evo 74 Ezzy Wave SE 5.0
:D :D :D ahhh... Gordons is back :!: Out with Wingnut, Mark, DaveB, Rockdoc, then RD and PhatBuddha came when JR wasn't quite there. 3 hour non-stop session with the Evo. addictive. RD gave some switchstance tutoring - thanks. and, sorry again to huck on your doorstep RD :evil: Wingnut sailing about 10mph faster than everyone else, and PhatDood sliiiiddddinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg some sweet vulcans.
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Sunday June 18, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Thursday July 22, 2004
Total Records: 999
This Year: 0
Sunday June 18, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Sunday June 18, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 15 - 22 3' confused
2.40 hours
Ocean Rodeo Mako 150 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12 M Ocean Rodeo Spinning Bar w./P.-out 50cm
Good fun.
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Sunday June 18, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday October 30, 2004
Total Records: 219
This Year: 0
Sunday June 18, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Sunday June 18, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
SW 17 - 20 chop
2.50 hours
airush misfit 115 airush lift 14
great kiting, not too many people around, steady wind, lots of lift. i've never had smoother jumps than i had today.
probably should have headed up island for some waves, but 2AM to 10AM shift had me drained, not to mention the 13.5 hrs i had yesterday.
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Sunday June 18, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday August 3, 2004
Total Records: 285
This Year: 0
Sunday June 18, 2006
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Sunday June 18, 2006
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
W 18 - 23 slowly building waves
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12m
:) Finally, westerlies with sun! Nicely powered 12m session. Fully powered at the end! Don't want to jinx things but this just might be the start of a nice string of sailable days.
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Saturday June 17, 2006
Ross Bay, Windsurfing
This Year: 23

Log Started: Sunday April 24, 2005
Total Records: 705
This Year: 23
Saturday June 17, 2006
Ross Bay, Windsurfing
Saturday June 17, 2006
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Ross Bay, Windsurfing
SSW 12 - 18 small chop
2.50 hours
Starboard 186X DOOR Sailworks NX2 9.8
Another trial to brotchie ledge session.
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Saturday June 17, 2006
Ross Bay, Windsurfing
This Year: 31

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 967
This Year: 31
Saturday June 17, 2006
Ross Bay, Windsurfing
Saturday June 17, 2006
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Ross Bay, Windsurfing
SW 12 - 18 small chopprs
2.50 hours
Starboard Formula Experience 156 Severne Overdrive 8.5
:D :D Double Grinner!! 10 mins of pumping till the wind picked up a notch. Tweezer, Keener and myself out....First time for no wetsuit this year. Amazing day! Started at 2:30 and finished at 5pm. Funny thing, still great wind @ 5 but was tired and hungry. I know...I'm getting old...HA! Probably should have rigged the 10m but in the end the 8.5m was way the right choice. 3 out of the last 4 days is probably why I was getting tired but getting some good Formula practice before the FE's in July. :D :D
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Starboard Steve
Saturday June 17, 2006
Cowichan Lake, Pine Pt., Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Starboard Steve

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 68
This Year: 0
Saturday June 17, 2006
Cowichan Lake, Pine Pt., Windsurfing
Saturday June 17, 2006
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Cowichan Lake, Pine Pt., Windsurfing
W 1 - 20 .7m swell
3.00 hours
Starboard 186X (Formula) 256 Sailworks NX2 9.8
Gotta love fresh water sailing and having the whole lake to yourself. Had to time my sessions with the rain squalls for a total of about 3 hours on the water.
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Saturday June 17, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday August 21, 2004
Total Records: 186
This Year: 0
Saturday June 17, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Saturday June 17, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
SSW 10 - 15 mixed
2.00 hours
ocean rodeo mako 150cm
:roll: Another sunny day on the water.Could cover alot of territory on this direction.Trying out Jan's 13 meter Instinct.Excellant session.Kite is sweet.Lots of power.Looks like more wind to come.Ye ha! :lol:
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more force 4
Saturday June 17, 2006
Esquimalt Lgn, Windsurfing
This Year: 2
more force 4

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 1008
This Year: 2
Saturday June 17, 2006
Esquimalt Lgn, Windsurfing
Saturday June 17, 2006
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Esquimalt Lgn, Windsurfing
W 10 - 15 wrap-around leftover chop
1.50 hours
Hyfly Free 266 108 Ezzy Wave 5.8
Meh. Lots of slogging for a few powered-up gusts. Stayed dry till last run, discounting jumping off in the shallows working on tacks on inside.
Should have caught some SW before it turned W, but forgot my wetsuit (Don't wanna hear about it Kus, its the first time for a long time! :lol: )
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Saturday June 17, 2006
Island View, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Thursday July 22, 2004
Total Records: 999
This Year: 0
Saturday June 17, 2006
Island View, Kitesurfing
Saturday June 17, 2006
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Island View, Kitesurfing
SE 6 - 8 clam
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Mako 150 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 14 M Ocean Rodeo Spinning Bar w./P.-out 50cm
2 hours of T.I.W. (time in wetsuit) Hooked a few soccer parents on kiting. Made a few runs. Kite fell out of sky once. The gravity is off today.[img:8f369f34f1] ... 1ptgno.gif[/img:8f369f34f1]
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Friday June 16, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday March 29, 2005
Total Records: 210
This Year: 0
Friday June 16, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Friday June 16, 2006
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Cook Street, Windsurfing
WNW 10 - 25 smooth little bumps
2.00 hours
starboard kombat 95 244 north voodoo 5.3
hmmm...warm.... gusty....but good to sail anyway till almost 9pm guys....ciao for now
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Friday June 16, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday August 21, 2004
Total Records: 186
This Year: 0
Friday June 16, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Friday June 16, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
WNW 10 - 20 flooding
1.00 hours
ocean rodeo mako 150cm
Test driving Jan's new Ozone bow kite,Excellent session,for me.The C-kite sailor's were none to happy.Me,grinning from ear to ear.Yes,Gust's are a thing of the past now.This kite was smooth and powerfull.It was the 11 meter called the Instinct.Lots of power and steady pull.I have a feeling you are going to see more of these kites.My instinct tells me. :lol:
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Kite Kook
Friday June 16, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0
Kite Kook

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 202
This Year: 0
Friday June 16, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Friday June 16, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
W 12 - 22 some sm. steep lil' ramps
1.20 hours
Ocean Rodeo ONE 12m
Got on the water @ 6:30, and that was probably the perfect day to test the range of the ONE kite, and I must say, it performed VERY well. Worring about gusts is a thing of the past, and I think the Fun factor increases too. Despite the up and down nature of the wind, I saw a lot of smiles out there! It says a lot about the wind that there were men on everything from an 8 (GM) to 16 (Andrew?) and people were doing fine. Almost any kite was the ideal one today!
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Russian Dood
Friday June 16, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Russian Dood

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 415
This Year: 0
Friday June 16, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Friday June 16, 2006
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Cook Street, Windsurfing
W 10 - 20 cookish
0.50 hours
Fanatic FreeWave 88L 239 cm Ezzy Wave 5.5
One word - Epic!!!! [b:6b95e1326f]His Phat Hollyness[/b:6b95e1326f] predicted wind @ 6 and with the [i:6b95e1326f]divine[/i:6b95e1326f] intervention it came up indeed. [b:6b95e1326f]His Phatness[/b:6b95e1326f] refused to go out saying that it's too much for him to handle. Remember that picture of the week everyone was asking about? It was exactly like that!!!!!! [b:6b95e1326f]morewind[/b:6b95e1326f] was throwing loops like a mad man! Other guys were ripping too! ... (more)
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Friday June 16, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Wednesday July 7, 2004
Total Records: 294
This Year: 0
Friday June 16, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Friday June 16, 2006
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Cook Street, Windsurfing
WNW 12 - 22 close chop
1.50 hours
RRD Freestyle Wave 100 Starboard Evo 74 Ezzy Wave SE 5.0
Prophet Phat-'model says 6pm'-Bhudda called it right on. Wind came up around 6pm. the Evo finally hit the water, albeit briefly. Gusty NW conditions were better for the big board. helis back on track today. Pioneered the 'kelp forward' - hucking in a kelp bed where kelp grabs fin and prevents board rotation, but rider gives-her and does the 360 sans board. 8) good fun. :D Where was [b:1adfb7933b]KUS[/b:1adfb7933b]??
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Friday June 16, 2006
Ross Bay, Windsurfing
This Year: 31

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 967
This Year: 31
Friday June 16, 2006
Ross Bay, Windsurfing
Friday June 16, 2006
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Ross Bay, Windsurfing
W 15 - 25 lumpy and flat
2.00 hours
Starboard Formula Experience 156 Severne Overdrive 8.5
:D :D Only double smiler today. Arrived and on the water by 4:00pm. Tried sailing up to Kook St but wasn't making much ground as fighting the tide so stayed near Trial for more of that flat water ripping! About 10 mins of pumping to plane otherwise super powered!! On reach went waaay out...felt like 1/2 way to Port Angeles but probably not far at all. Big rollers off Clover point, otherwise mostly flat. Top speed was 42.9km/h and total distance travelled was 39.8kms. Gotta get smaller fin and super flat wa ... (more)
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Friday June 16, 2006
Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 231
This Year: 0
Friday June 16, 2006
Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
Friday June 16, 2006
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Pipers Lgn, Windsurfing
SE 10 - 15 small chop
1.00 hours
Mistral Score 104 Ezzy Wave 5.8
Solid wind while I was rigging, one good powered run out to the channel marker then 45 minutes of occasional planing, but mostly schlogging back and forth working on tacks and helis (which is only really fun with other people and in warmer water).
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Thursday June 15, 2006
Island View, Kitesurfing
This Year: 15

Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Thursday June 15, 2006
Island View, Kitesurfing
Thursday June 15, 2006
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Island View, Kitesurfing
SE 12 - 14 flat
0.70 hours
Ocean Rodeo Bronco 16M OR Punch-out Bar
So JL says, "sorry, going kiting man, self-launch, no problemo" so I do, works great both times, nice & steady, day's accomplishment as wind slowly died b4 I could get out. Twisted first one line then other, not sure how :roll: during landings barnacles managed to chew a couple of holes into my nice spotless kite. Oooouuh the pain :oops: like key-ing a new paintjob on a car :cry: practiced punching out, thx JL for new clues 8)
Kite 7 Wave 0 Jump 0 Hot, hot, hotter than hell in that suit, ... (more)
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Thursday June 15, 2006
Island View, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Thursday July 22, 2004
Total Records: 999
This Year: 0
Thursday June 15, 2006
Island View, Kitesurfing
Thursday June 15, 2006
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Island View, Kitesurfing
ESE 10 - 14 flat
1.50 hours
Ocean Rodeo Mako 150 Ocean Rodeo Bronco 14 M Ocean Rodeo Spinning Bar w./P.-out 50cm
Lagoon sailing for first hour then gave Kus a hand...Launch off field or sand not Barnacles !!! Light short session to finish.
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Wednesday June 14, 2006
Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Friday April 15, 2005
Total Records: 32
This Year: 0
Wednesday June 14, 2006
Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
Wednesday June 14, 2006
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Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
SE 15 - 19
1.50 hours
Tactile ZX529K... FDR876 prototype 187b 139 Best Yarga 15m
Sweeet session on the out side of the spit today, dan h. rode down to point holmes, I rode out to the reef, played around in the small shore break, nice sandy beaches today, looking forward to another fun sesh tomorrow - fingers crossed.
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Tuesday June 13, 2006
Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Saturday August 21, 2004
Total Records: 186
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 13, 2006
Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 13, 2006
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Comox Spit, Kitesurfing
SSW 10 - 18 mixed
2.00 hours
ocean rodeo mako 150cm
First time trying Jan's new Instinct Ozone 13 meter bow kite.This kite rocks.Feels a lot like a C-Kite but better,Gusts or no gusts,smooth as pie.No bridle,with wing tip attachments,fifth line stable,simple and a joy to fly.Speed sailing in Ross Bay with Bobson was a gas.Looking forward to flying kites even more now. :D
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Tuesday June 13, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
This Year: 31

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 967
This Year: 31
Tuesday June 13, 2006
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Tuesday June 13, 2006
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Cook Street, Windsurfing
SSW 15 - 20 VooDoo Chop
2.50 hours
Starboard Formula Experience 156 Severne Overdrive 8.5
:D :D :D YES, this was a TRIPLE-SMILER :!: Launched out of Ross Bay at 5pm, took about 2 mins to get used to sailing again, it's been a couple weeks. Took off out to Trial, then port tack all the way down to Broachie Ledge marker past the VooDoo chop in front of KOOK St. which wasn't much fun. Then looooong Starboard tack all the way back to Trial. Water was soooooo flat just West of Trial which made for great speed runs and jibe practice. The 8.5m was perfect size all evening even without adj. outhaul. ... (more)
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Tuesday June 13, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday March 22, 2005
Total Records: 115
This Year: 0
Tuesday June 13, 2006
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Tuesday June 13, 2006
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
SSW 16 - 18 smooth/confused
2.00 hours
Ocean Rodeo Zen 135 Ocean Rodeo One 12m
A little bit of Ross Bay-met Bobson there, a little bit Ogden and mostly Cook st. Nice and pleasant. Well worth it. Floaty little jumps.
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