more force 4
Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 1004
This Year: 35
Sunday July 17, 2005
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Sunday July 17, 2005
Toys Used:
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SSW 18 - 22 chop, swell at end
5.00 hours
Seatrend Accelerator 89 Bic Adagio 107 Ezzy Wave 5.0 Ezzy Wave 5.8 Sailworks Retro 7.5
Sailed board shorts and rashie all day! Warm! Tried to start on 5.8, too lazy to switch booms, but finally gave in as wind was building very slowly. Had a few powered-overpowered runs on 7.5 and switched back to 5.8 (du-oh). Wind still built slowly, when 5.8 uncomfortable switched to little board and 5.0, was surprised that it felt almost as powered as 5.8. A little too much actually, but some outhaul cured that. Sailed little board for an hour and half, ground fin on rocks :evil: sailing waist-deep on a waterstart that turned into a beach start when I made mistake of landing up near river. Found I could slog shin deep without falling :P . Bigger board and sail for last hour and a half in perfect powered 5.8 conditions. A few more planing gybes, some close. Nice big chop/little swell started to grow and get spaced out on far side as wind was dropping at the end.