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  • Sailor
     Windsurfish Friday September 9, 2005
    Nanoose Bay, Windsurfing
    This Year: 6


    Log Started:
    Saturday January 22, 2005
    Total Records: 1145
    This Year: 6

    Friday September 9, 2005 Nanoose Bay, Windsurfing
     Friday September 9, 2005 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Nanoose Bay, Windsurfing WNW 14 - 22
    Chop/~3' swell
    2.00 hours Starboard Go 150
    Starboard Carve 111
    Sailworks Retro 7.5
    :D After a day of looking out at the gusty howling strait, I arrived home to find Janet, Aaron & Michelle rigged up and heading out. A few nice tacks on the 111/7.5 with the right gusts, but a long walk on the wrong ones had me out with the Go. Sailed till dark, and saw a large porpoise or small whale blowing spray at the channel... (not an orca, but still a bit spooky...). :shock: Looking forward to the winter SE storms.....
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