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  • Sailor
     more force 4 Sunday September 25, 2005
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 28
    more force 4


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 997
    This Year: 28

    Sunday September 25, 2005 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday September 25, 2005 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing SSW 15 - 19
    1 ft
    3.50 hours Bic Astro Rock 130
    Seatrend Accelerator 89
    Sailworks Retro 7.5
    Ezzy Wave 5.8
    Session 50! On the water by 12:30, already enough power to plane easily, made a bunch of planing gybes in a row :lol: switched to the 89 litre board after an hour - fantastic for about 45 min, then didn't want to float near the beach, switched to big gear - felt like driving a semi after sportscar - but it picked up again for another go on the little board. Dropped off again, so I geared big, but it picked up again after I quit at 4 -- Philipe was racing a bud and practicing duck jibes (he made them too!) in the higher wind. I made a couple of gybes planing on the little board - but by halfway through the session, I was too tired to make good gybes on anything. Tried one helitack after morning coffee instruction from Kus - too tired to persist. Wasted today!
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-