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  • Sailor
     more force 4 Sunday June 11, 2006
    Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
    This Year: 2
    more force 4


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 1008
    This Year: 2

    Sunday June 11, 2006 Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
     Sunday June 11, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing SW 14 - 25
    flat to 2 ft
    2.50 hours Hyfly Free 266 108
    Ezzy Wave 5.8
    Ezzy Wave 5.0
    Most changable day ever at Nitinat I think. Sailed 5.8 and a wave fin when I needed 7.5 and a pointer.... 5.8 and a pointer when I needed 5.0 and a wave fin .... 5.0 and a pointer when I needed 5.0 and a wave fin .... Was nicely powered with right gear for maybe 30 seconds!

    Managed to avoid any swim time, but little energy after yesterday. Made a planing gybe and tried 2 tacks - stayed dry on second one with the help of the uphaul, getting there! Went very,very,very fast broad reaching in a 25 knot gust over flat water with the 5.8 and pointer fin, on he edge of spinning out/tailwalking. Did one weird chop hop, left the water and turned the board downwind in the air, landed out of the straps (how did that happed - centrifigal force from turning or a jerk from landing a little sideways'?), thought I was going over the handlebars but my legs hit the water and I did a hooked-in body drag for quite a while before waterstarting over. Better than a catapault!
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