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  • Sailor
     Russian Dood Sunday June 18, 2006
    Gordons, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0
    Russian Dood


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 6, 2004
    Total Records: 415
    This Year: 0

    Sunday June 18, 2006 Gordons, Windsurfing
     Sunday June 18, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Gordons, Windsurfing W 20 - 25
    2.00 hours Fanatic FreeWave 88L 239 cm
    Ezzy Wave 4.5
    Ezzy Wave 5.5
    [b:78ecceacc3]His Phattness[/b:78ecceacc3] and myself went first to JR. Randy and Art were playing with sweet waves so [b:78ecceacc3]His Hollyness[/b:78ecceacc3] commanded me to go. I couldn't refuse to obey the god, so I went.... oh well. That was a first mistake. Too much grass in the water, to little wind. Tried to make it work for about 30 min, but then gave up. Went back to G-spot and got rewarded! Woo hoo! nice action. I should have gone to there earlier.

    And [b:78ecceacc3]Morewind[/b:78ecceacc3] that was more like a driveway. No worries I had tons of room. Brushing [b:78ecceacc3]His Coolness'[/b:78ecceacc3] boom with my head, however, was a different story. :wink:
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-2025