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  • Sailor
     KUS Sunday June 18, 2006
    Cook Street, Windsurfing
    This Year: 15


    Log Started:
    Sunday October 17, 2004
    Total Records: 1847
    This Year: 15

    Sunday June 18, 2006 Cook Street, Windsurfing
     Sunday June 18, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Cook Street, Windsurfing WSW 12 - 24
    flat then 2'waves/chop
    2.00 hours Angulo Jesus Loves You, Chango 95L
    Sailworks Revo 5.8
    megawave 28
    Got off boat, unpacked, skipped dinner, Kooked. Caught tail end of kite wrapup but it seemed to build late, rewarded after 1hr wait/slog/waitsomemore w/decent wind, should 've been on a 5 :twisted: Decent odd ride, kelp really needs a storm trim :x Bit mainland-hungover so no tricks/practice to speak of, one lame backie & monkey, basic mellow maintenance/servicing sesh :wink: Happy Father's Day Sail 8) A bit lonely all by myself :cry:

    Sail 6 Wave 5 Jump 4

    Interesting blue hole over Esquimalt with cloud edge keeping setting sun out of my eyes, just right :P made everything else seem wildly white-capped whipping windy but things were at most 22-24 knots;
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-2025