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  • Sailor
     WindePendanT Monday June 19, 2006
    Esquimalt Lgn, Kitesurfing
    This Year: 0

    Log Started:
    Monday November 1, 2004
    Total Records: 52
    This Year: 0

    Monday June 19, 2006 Esquimalt Lgn, Kitesurfing
     Monday June 19, 2006 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Esquimalt Lgn, Kitesurfing SW 13 - 25
    Mostly Flat
    0.80 hours RRD Directional
    Globerider Sonic 11.0
    There was a new mod for the GK bar, I got it and put it on.

    Now I'm not sure if it was the mod, or if I rigged wrong.

    But as soon as I self launched, the kite wasn't responding to steering input. It went out over the water, so I thought well thats where I want it anyway. About 50 feet out and down comes the kite.

    The rest of the session was trying to figure out what was wrong.

    The kite didn't want to relaunch properly, and when it did it acted real wierd.(I know it wasn't an invert)

    For a second I thought I'd rigged backwards, but that wasn't it.

    After getting drug most of the way down and farther away from the beach, I knew it was time to do something. Stay pulling on this line and end up in DOD, or pull the other line and end up at Cook st.

    I didn't want either!

    So I did my first self rescue with a flat kite, it worked like a charm.

    I rolled up the lines and hitched them over the bar so the kite held it's own shape. Then just had to hold the bottom bridle where the lines attach.

    Point my other hand upwind, and I hardly lost anymore ground till the beach.

    I still love this kite, but I will take the mod back off. I was fine with the way it was before.

    There was a kitesurfer,(can't remember your name man. Sorry) doing some drywalling up the hill and saw me out on the water so he was there running down the beach to see if he could do anything.


    But I was fine.

    Walked back up to where I had launched from, and the water had just about reached my board.

    But it didn't.

    So not much of a session, but I still had fun.

    And it was good to do a self rescue with the new kite and feel comfertable.

    One more thing... if I didn't have my Lifejacket, it would not have been fun! I can do so much more in the water when I don't have to worry about keeping my head above water.

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