Log Started: Sunday October 17, 2004
Total Records: 1847
This Year: 15
Thursday June 22, 2006
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
Thursday June 22, 2006
Toys Used:
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
W 12 - 15 flat
0.80 hours
Ocean Rodeo Bronco 16M OR Punch-out Bar
After much putting things off I had no other excuses, as per Jamie "God doesn't like cowards" I ended up self-launching 1st time @Nitinat, got on board 4 1st time & found it surprisingly easy, well, so to speak :oops: After running to middle of lake, going upwind even despite gusty crap wind, turned toeside only to remember you can go back & forth without stance change, ha! Had Vic catch the kite, as I wrapped up lines totally psyched, main bladder popped :evil:
Kite 8 Wave 1 Jump 0
Did another run lateron after repairing bladder with tape, two successful runs, the latter one with a nice 1 foot rip in the kite after a crash, managed to relaunch once only to be foiled again. Self-rescued (another first) & noodle salad for 1hr :oops: Need that fifth line :wink: