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  • Sailor
     Bobson Thursday July 29, 2021
    Ross Bay, Windfoiling
    This Year: 132


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 900
    This Year: 132

    Thursday July 29, 2021 Ross Bay, Windfoiling
     Thursday July 29, 2021 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Ross Bay, Windfoiling W 10 - 15
    Confused Swells
    2.00 hours Starboard Freeride 125
    Sailworks Flyer 6.0
    Starboard Mast 95cm
    Starboard Front wing 1100
    Starboard Stabilizer 255
    Starboard Fuse 115+ 115
    Arrived with GMAC, wind was on/off. I used an ON to get 1/2 way out then schlog pump to get to the wind on the outside. 12-15 on the outside. Watched GMAC head into Gonzales Bay so he was safe. Continued sailing on the outside. Tried coming in once, got to the big black hole in the middle and stood there with 0 wind, turned and went out again. Went closer to C-Lover and foiled right in using the swell to keep foiling. Pumping and riding the swell works well staying above the kelp. Two separate people came to me and asked about guy with yellow sail not returning. I let them know he was safe as I was coming in I saw him getting back to his car. It's nice to know people are watching. Kelp is still an issue from the Outfall (at the beach) West. If you head out at the Outfall (at the beach) and stay towards Trial, you are good. If you head towards C-Lover the Kelp with get you.

    Lots of schloggin' tonight, 18 kms last night in 1 hour, tonight it took 2 hours to cover the same distance.


    Ps. Finished off with The Morb!!
    GPS Track: Weird Wind Thursday5:06 PM to 6:54 PM
    Moving Time01:30:05
    Foiling Time 00:34:38
    Distance (km)17.7
    Speed (Max/2s/100m knots)20.9 / 19.6 / 16.2
    Number of Turns 25 (16% Foiling)
    MAX 2021 - 28.1 kt, 269 turns, 76%TOTAL 2021 - 698 km, 34.1 hours
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-