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  • Sailor
     Bobson Wednesday August 4, 2021
    China Ck, Windfoiling
    This Year: 131


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 899
    This Year: 131

    Wednesday August 4, 2021 China Ck, Windfoiling
     Wednesday August 4, 2021 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     China Ck, Windfoiling W 20 - 25
    4.50 hours Starboard Freeride 125
    Sailworks Revolution 4.2
    Severne Gator 5.0
    Sailworks Flyer 6.0
    Starboard Front wing 1100
    Starboard Front Wing 800
    Starboard Stabilizer 255
    Starboard Mast 85cm
    Starboard Fuse 115+ 115
    Fairly average day, started at noon and sailed 18kms up the inlet to MacTush campsite and then 7 kms back, weird, must have taken the shortcut back. 45 mins to get there and 15 mins back, yup, definitely a shortcut. Went down to 5.0m then down to 4.2m then down from 1100 to 800 front wing. Kept building all day. Sailed 109 kms today. Pretty average day. Felt like I made most of my gybes, will be interesting to see what percentage I made. Fairly average place, warm water, steady wind, fairly flat. Came in when I was done and had a poop and a shower, just because I could! Went as fast as I've gone today. Good wind and flat water was the ticket. Very peaceful here. Who am I kidding, this place is crappy, NEVER coming back!!


    GPS Track: 2nd day of 3 at China Creek1:26 PM to 6:00 PM
    Moving Time04:19:39
    Foiling Time 03:56:29
    Distance (km)112.1
    Speed (Max/2s/100m knots)29.8 / 28.8 / 26.9
    Number of Turns 176 (79% Foiling)
    MAX 2021 - 27.2 kt, 210 turns, 81%TOTAL 2021 - 903 km, 41.7 hours
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-