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  • Sailor
     Bobson Monday February 21, 2022
    Cattle Pt, Windfoiling
    This Year: 131


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 899
    This Year: 131

    Monday February 21, 2022 Cattle Pt, Windfoiling
     Monday February 21, 2022 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Cattle Pt, Windfoiling ENE 20 - 30
    Steep Confused Choppers
    3.00 hours Starboard Freeride 125
    Severne Blade 3.7
    Starboard Fuse 115+
    Starboard Mast 85cm
    Starboard Stabilizer 255
    Starboard Front wing 1100
    Arrived at CP 2nd boat launch to 20-28kts NE but then it turned more E and onshore at 2nd boat launch. Twizz showed and suggest 1st boat launch so I thru my rigged sail in his van and drove there. Good call! Side off launch much better. He rigged up too and we went out and it was solid 30kts with confused large chop especially off the Eastern point. I tried my hand but it wasn't my cup of tea although Twizz was cruising all over the place like a pro. I was in survival mode and stayed off the big rock to the South more in the Lea only venturing out into the cra-cra for short bursts crashing lots. Rupp-dogg showed up and took about an hour to rig up but finally made it out. Twizz called it a day and then GMAC showed up so I decided to get one last session in. It had definitely lighten up as I was having to pump the 3.7 coming out of my jibes. Could have rigged the 4.5m flyer but being family day I figured I should put in a bit of family time with the in-laws coming over for a beverage. Great day!! It even warmed up a bit from the 2-3 degrees when I first arrived. I got better at my high-wind foiling today in the 30+ kt gusts. Really the extra wind just makes me complete my skills properly or wipeouts occur. I would say foiling with confidence is the most important, when I'm hesitant things go South. I even got a sun tan today and wifey brought me a Tim Ho's coffee and Timbits for the 1/2 time finger warm up. Couple Navy ships did a drive by and Coast Guard ship in for a high speed pass too. Good day on the water!!

    GPS Track: Cattle Point Craziness11:38 AM to 2:51 PM
    Moving Time02:17:15
    Foiling Time 02:03:37
    Distance (km)58.5
    Speed (Max/2s/100m knots)23.0 / 22.9 / 19.6
    Number of Turns 161 (73% Foiling)
    MAX 2022 - 20.8 kt, 161 turns, 100%TOTAL 2022 - 545 km, 25.6 hours
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-