more force 4
Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 1006
This Year: 37
Monday February 20, 2023
La Ventana, Wingfoiling
Monday February 20, 2023
Toys Used:
La Ventana, Wingfoiling
N 15 - 20 Swellettes
3.50 hours
Better wind today. Started light and after failing to foil with a 5.5 wing so switched it up for a barge windsurfer 150 liter with something like a 2300 front foil. Paired with a 6.0 and found it was pretty much unmanageable when there was enough wind to waterstart. Came in and switched to a 120 L Starboard and a 5.5 wing and a Dakine foil. Cycled between out of control wild veers to sort of mellow foiling. The difference seemingly about 2 cm of foot placement. Came in to switch down to 5.0 when the wind came up more but it quickly eased off to underpowered. Tired! Wish I wasnt sick. Si many kites today and wings. Crazy busy.