Log Started: Thursday December 29, 2022
Total Records: 144
This Year: 57
Monday March 13, 2023
Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
Monday March 13, 2023
Toys Used:
Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
WNW 15 - 20 Mixed bag
3.00 hours
Takuma TK 80 5'3 OR GLIDE 5 Mast Axis 95cm Foil Takuma 1210cm
Arrived at 11 with nobody around. Looked windy, but with a decent amount of north in it made it flat and hard to read how windy it was' went out and mowed the lawn for an hour solo. Came in and the foils started coming out of the woodwork. I warmed up in the sun and chatted to Marty who said Harling was the Ebb spot. Went back out and and met Tweezer up at clover and we downwinded all the way down to McNeil. My first time down there. Swell was much better down there, but lots of current and a bit of confusion. Was feeling pretty over powered and a long way from home so made the trek back up. Should probably give the harness another try. Lots of new faces today and plenty of stoke. Heard a couple 'best day Evers' which is always inspiring!