more force 4
Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 1006
This Year: 37
Thursday August 17, 2023
Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
Thursday August 17, 2023
Toys Used:
Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
W 10 - 15 Went flat
0.70 hours
Takuma BT 100 KT Wing Air 5.0 KT Wing Air 4.0 Quicksilver 5/4/3 LS F-one Phantom 1280
It was solid when I got there and so rigged a 4.0 but it had softened by the time I launched
So had my wing. Figured out it was too soft to pump and came back to check the valve (loose) and pump it back up. It really shut down. Long wait chatting and winddoc pulled the plug and it immediately started to look better. It filled in enough to foil to the outside and then slog and swim back in.
Two wings out after sunset one needed nav lights