Log Started: Tuesday July 19, 2022
Total Records: 141
This Year: 60
Saturday November 4, 2023
Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
Saturday November 4, 2023
Toys Used:
Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
WNW 15 - 20 1-2 ft
0.80 hours
KT Drifter 5'4" 105L Cabrinha X2 6m Omen Operator 1050 1050cm 2 Omen The Stiffy 87 cm Omen Ahi Large
Came into Victoria after a 12 hour commute from the Eastern seaboard on a plane that was getting thrown around in a Westerly upon landing at YYJ. Quickly checked the Weiler cam and lo and behold. Made the most sense to grab gear and get straight to RB. Showed up during a lull. Almost gave up left but TunaCan convinced me that it had been up and down all afternoon and to stick it out. He was right and it picked up again. My 5m bladder popped while inflating. Bummer. First time for everything. Took out out the 6m Cabrinha as a 4m looked just a little too dicey in these inconsistent conditions. Went out exhausted from being on three planes in a day and did the most consecutive turns I've ever done in one session. Go figure. It lasted maximum 35 to 40 minutes before totally dropping off, decided to cut bait and head for the shore. Was lucky to not have gotten stuck out there. A long paddle in for many.