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  • Sailor
     Bobson Monday June 24, 2024
    China Ck, Wingfoiling
    This Year: 133


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 901
    This Year: 133

    Monday June 24, 2024 China Ck, Wingfoiling
     Monday June 24, 2024 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     China Ck, Wingfoiling W 10 - 16
    Still flat
    3.00 hours Starboard Freeride 150
    Ensis Score 6.2
    Starboard Stabilizer 255
    Starboard Evolution Foil 1100
    Starboard Mast 95cm
    Starboard Evolution Fuse 95
    It's Wing-Time!! Finished my 2 hour morning Windfoil session, had lunch and pumped up the 6.2m as it looked like 12-15kts. It was, took foot straps off and put on the 1100cm2 front foil and 255 stab with the shorter 95cm fuse and longer 95cm mast. Had a great first 90 mins of foiling but then wind got light and only managed a couple of foiling runs in the 2nd 90mins so lots of schlogging to finish the day off. Sunshine broke through for the last 90 mins of schlogging and sat in the sunshine and drank a very cool Corona then had a shower and had Sheps pie and a glass of red wine for dinner. Now as I fill out my log sitting in the setting Sun finishing off the bottle. Everyone loves a good Malbec with some Dads cookies leftover from Fathers Day.

    Wingson OUT!!
    GPS Track: CC - June 24 - Day 3 - Wingfoil2:24 PM to 5:46 PM
    Moving Time02:58:05
    Foiling Time 01:07:29
    Distance (km)34.0
    Speed (Max/2s/100m knots)16.7 / 16.5 / 15.3
    Number of Turns 45 (53% Foiling)
    MAX 2024: 22.0 kt, 247 turns, 100%TOTAL 2024: 3,489 km, 158.6 hours
    MAX: 29.6 kt, 256 turns, 100%TOTAL: 22,821 km, 963 hours
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-