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  • Sailor
     Bobson Wednesday August 7, 2024
    China Ck, Wingfoiling
    This Year: 131


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 899
    This Year: 131

    Wednesday August 7, 2024 China Ck, Wingfoiling
     Wednesday August 7, 2024 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     China Ck, Wingfoiling W 10 - 20
    4.30 hours KT Wing Drifter 130
    KT Wing - Direct Drive 6.0
    KT Wing - Direct Drive 4.0
    Slingshot Stabilizer PS400 280
    Slingshot Phantasm Foil PTM-926 1263
    Slingshot Phantasm Fuse 872
    Slingshot Phantasm Carbon Mast 82cm
    On the water at 12:30pm in n less than 10kts. I could see it coming down the inlet and water to practice what I'd do if the wind shut off. Schlogged out to a big hole of nothingness and layer down on my board and paddled with Wing under my feet. Worked well. Got up and was able to schlog/ balance in almost nothing. Test completed! Then the wind came up and it was 10-15 for 2 hours then picked up to 20kts so came in for the 4.0m. After that it dropped back to 15kts but still able to make the 4.0m work. I can jibe and be going super slow toe-side and touch down, switch my feet and almost bounce back up onto foil. Pretty happy with the board and PTM 926 combo!! Forgot to start my GPS watch after coming in to grab the 6.0m again so missed out on an hour and maybe 20kts. Today was a reflective session. Nice to be out on the water and just enjoy the scenery and be in the moment. Life is short, do what you enjoy doing more!


    GPS Track: CC - August 7 - Wingfoil12:26 PM to 5:27 PM
    Moving Time03:52:04
    Foiling Time 02:36:47
    Distance (km)69.4
    Speed (Max/2s/100m knots)19.6 / 19.0 / 16.2
    Number of Turns 120 (82% Foiling)
    MAX 2024: 24.7 kt, 247 turns, 100%TOTAL 2024: 5,025 km, 226.5 hours
    MAX: 29.6 kt, 256 turns, 100%TOTAL: 24,357 km, 1,031 hours
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-