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  • Sailor
     Bobson Friday August 9, 2024
    China Ck, Wingfoiling
    This Year: 131


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 899
    This Year: 131

    Friday August 9, 2024 China Ck, Wingfoiling
     Friday August 9, 2024 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     China Ck, Wingfoiling W 16 - 23
    Some waveage
    3.30 hours KT Wing Drifter 130
    KT Wing - Direct Drive 6.0
    KT Wing - Direct Drive 4.0
    Slingshot Stabilizer PS400 280
    Slingshot Phantasm Foil PTM-926 1263
    Slingshot Phantasm Fuse 872
    Slingshot Phantasm Carbon Mast 82cm
    On the water at noon after a yummy hamburger, hashbrown and 2 egg breaky! 12-17kts for an hour and a half on the 6.0m and the best thing god ever created'. A Wing Harness!!! Yup, put on a harness today and it was a game changer!! Going upwind is easy peasy lemon squeaky!! Wish I had tried one a few days ago before my hands were shredded. Anyways, came in and grabbed the 4.0m and forgot to start the gps watch again until LL I was 1/2 way up the inlet. Oh well, I was too excited about my new toy. I shot up the inlet on my 4.0m KT Direct Drive Wing with the hard handles and yes, a harness line. It's 28' but I think I'd like something longer. Great session coming downwind riding the waves. Loved it today and hot like hell. Now having dinner with faughter in Parksville. Perfect day!!

    GPS Track: CC - August 9 - Wingfoil12:02 PM to 4:27 PM
    Moving Time03:06:53
    Foiling Time 02:31:39
    Distance (km)60.6
    Speed (Max/2s/100m knots)22.9 / 22.7 / 15.4
    Number of Turns 79 (81% Foiling)
    MAX 2024: 24.7 kt, 247 turns, 100%TOTAL 2024: 5,167 km, 233.5 hours
    MAX: 29.6 kt, 256 turns, 100%TOTAL: 24,498 km, 1,038 hours
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-