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  • Sailor
     Bobson Saturday August 10, 2024
    China Ck, Windfoiling
    This Year: 130


    Log Started:
    Tuesday July 13, 2004
    Total Records: 898
    This Year: 130

    Saturday August 10, 2024 China Ck, Windfoiling
     Saturday August 10, 2024 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     China Ck, Windfoiling W 15 - 25
    3.50 hours Starboard Freeride 150
    Sailworks Flyer 4.5
    Starboard Stabilizer 255
    Starboard Mast 95cm
    Starboard Evolution Foil 900
    Starboard Evolution Fuse 115
    On the water on the Windfoil at 11:30am after hamburger, hashbrown and 2 eggs. Went up the most almost to MacTush in just over 30 mins then wind got holey so I turned around and played in the waves on the way back. Put in 50kms on that trip. Came in for lunch and a relax on the beach while others played. Back out on the 4.5m and Windfoil as my hands are still to sore to Wing, even with the harness. Played around mid-inlet in a mix of flat water and waves and then got tired after 100kms so pulled the plug on my last day at CC. Pretty freakin' great 8 days in a row of both Wing and Windfoiling. Stephan and Karen were great!! Met some new peeps including KB from Comox who is a really great Winger. Kus and Jelly were here for a couple day too ripping on their windsurfers! Really great camping with real toilets (that were clean), a shower everyday whether I needed it or now and garbage bins so I didn't need to take it home with me cause I'm a pretty messy guy! Oh, did I mention Ice Cold Corona's because there is ice a 2 minute walk from my campsite. Wind everyday, sometimes more than I wanted. Ha! I was hoping for some 10-15kt days but with that huge fog bank on the coast, 20+ almost everyday. A big WooHoo when I was done today for my Dad! XOXO

    GPS Track: CC - August 10 - Windfoil11:33 AM to 4:23 PM
    Moving Time03:35:08
    Foiling Time 03:29:38
    Distance (km)101.4
    Speed (Max/2s/100m knots)22.7 / 22.6 / 21.4
    Number of Turns 113 (95% Foiling)
    MAX 2024: 24.7 kt, 247 turns, 100%TOTAL 2024: 5,268 km, 237.1 hours
    MAX: 29.6 kt, 256 turns, 100%TOTAL: 24,600 km, 1,041 hours
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-