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  • Sailor
     slake Wednesday August 28, 2024
    Nitinat Lk, Wingfoiling
    This Year: 29


    Log Started:
    Wednesday August 24, 2022
    Total Records: 53
    This Year: 29

    Wednesday August 28, 2024 Nitinat Lk, Wingfoiling
     Wednesday August 28, 2024 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Nitinat Lk, Wingfoiling SW 10 - 15
    2.30 hours Armstrong Wing SUP 5'5" 88L
    Nexen 5m
    Armstrong HA925
    Arrived to a nice steady afternoon wind. Saw Tweezer drive by our site as we were almost ready to head out for a first session. Like other skills, starting to get more consistent regular footed first. This time on downwind 360s . Can't even conceive trying goofy footed yet, or trying briefly backwinded goofy footed.
    GPS Track: Back at Nat...again3:33 PM to 7:15 PM
    Moving Time02:02:59
    Foiling Time 01:41:33
    Distance (km)42.7
    Speed (Max/2s/100m knots)19.8 / 19.8 / 19.4
    Number of Turns 116 (73% Foiling)
    MAX 2024: 21.7 kt, 307 turns, 88%TOTAL 2024: 1,349 km, 66.6 hours
    MAX: 21.7 kt, 307 turns, 91%TOTAL: 3,109 km, 151 hours
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-