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  • Sailor
     AJSpencer Wednesday September 25, 2024
    Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
    This Year: 20


    Log Started:
    Sunday November 10, 2019
    Total Records: 245
    This Year: 20

    Wednesday September 25, 2024 Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
     Wednesday September 25, 2024 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Ross Bay, Wingfoiling WSW 15 - 25
    2.50 hours Quatro Wing Drifter 105
    Duotone Slick 5.0
    Axis Mast 105
    Axis SP 860
    Axis Rear Performance 400
    Got there early for the forecast but had to wait until 4 before the sky out West started clearing. Went out to slog and did a few bitch hitches on the outside of the kelp forest. Fell in once and immediate double pink eye.

    Finally paid off to slog way out the windline and I brought it back into the bay. You're welcome.

    A bit rusty. Gybes got worse as time went on and somehow several flyouts despite my super long 105 mast.

    Wind got a bit flukey so went in, luckily foiled through the kelp wall and right to the beach. Hopefully it filled back in for the others a while longer.

    Forgot watch.
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-