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  • Sailor
     rsmundell Sunday September 29, 2024
    Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
    This Year: 13


    Log Started:
    Saturday January 2, 2021
    Total Records: 39
    This Year: 13

    Sunday September 29, 2024 Ross Bay, Wingfoiling
     Sunday September 29, 2024 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Ross Bay, Wingfoiling WSW 15 - 20
    Chop with nice swell
    2.00 hours KT Dragonfly DW Board 7'7" 110
    Ocean Rodeo HL Glide 4.0
    AFS Enduro 900
    AFS HA40 40
    AFS UHM 80 Fuselink mast 80
    Beautiful afternoon after what was a chilly and grey Pipers session at Pipers on Saturday. Some kelp but avoidable and otherwise clean. Some nice set swells providing great, fast rides. Second session on the new AFS gear. Still working on figuring out the right setup. Started with where I'd left off on Saturday but found it too lifty upwind and a little scary on the bigger waves DW. Came in and moved the mast back another 1/4". That made a big difference but I found the pump not to be as easy as it should have been. Moved the stab to the forward setting and it really started to feel good. It think I'm going to like that feature! Plenty of lift, fast speed and glidy DWs with easier much easier pumping when it's forward like that. Also much turnier which it feeling too loose. I think these foils are going to be outstanding once I figure them out further.
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