Log Started: Sunday August 22, 2004
Total Records: 1318
This Year: 80
Friday March 25, 2005
Columbia Bch, Windsurfing
Friday March 25, 2005
Toys Used:
Columbia Bch, Windsurfing
SE 15 - 21 small waves, swell
2.00 hours
Quattro Freestyle 100 L custom 8'2" Ezzy Wave SE 5.0
Just managed to get some of the fun waves for jumping before the wind backed to marginal 5.8 conditions. Threw 3 forwards and mostly goofed around on the inside. Fun! Hope tomorrow is better though :D ! All those with small lap-pets at Columbia be warned: there is a large bald eagle cruising around that looks pretty hungry! I think I saw some poodle fur stuck in its beak...