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  • Sailor
     windsurf247 Tuesday March 29, 2005
    Esquimalt Lgn, Windsurfing
    This Year: 0


    Log Started:
    Wednesday March 16, 2005
    Total Records: 238
    This Year: 0

    Tuesday March 29, 2005 Esquimalt Lgn, Windsurfing
     Tuesday March 29, 2005 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Esquimalt Lgn, Windsurfing W 12 - 25
    medium chop
    3.00 hours JP Freeride 270 90L
    Sailworks Revolution 5.4
    Squirrely day at Esquimalt. Showed up at 1:30 and it looked about 5.0 but a bit gusty. I rigged a 5.4 and by the time I hit the water it had dropped to about 12-15 knots. Went out anyway and slogged to the wind. PLaned underpowered for about an hour. HAd a couple good jumps and jibes in the puffs but mostly underpowered. Spent most of the time trying to get back upwind to my van so I could rig my 6.0.

    At about 3:00 the wind totally shut down and I was stuck way offshore and way downwind. I eventually drifted into Esquimalt HArbour where I was met by a couple of clowns in a Navy boat. They told me I couldn't land in there or I would be fined. I kinda just laughed as I really didn't have too much choice. At that point, I was lucky to be on the board. I eventually fell in and had to do a bit of swimming. The Navy boat followed me the whole time. Not too sure what they were afraid of. I must've looked like a terrorist in my wetsuit.

    I got to the shore (public land) and walked my gear up the beach a bit. THe wind had filled in again so I was able to get back out. And then it hit.....WHAM.....from outtta nowhere it was instantly about 25 knots. It had totally filled in everywhere and was just crankin'. I was waaaay overpowered on my 5.4 but managed to hang onto it anyway. I made it back upwind no problem and scored some sweet jumps on the way. It stayed up for about 40 minutes and then dropped again. And then it filled in again.....and then it dropped again. I was wishing for an adjustable outhaul!

    Overall, I would say it wasn't really an epic day at Esquimalt. It was lots of fun while it was up but otherwise it was pretty frustrating. LOts of exercise today though.

    Oddly enough, when I was packing up, there were some sweet breaking waves coming in near the beach. I've never seen this before except on a big SE. It was really weird. They were totally surfable breaking waves about 4-5 ft high. Just came outta nowhere. Weird place today.
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