Russian Dood
Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 415
This Year: 0
Tuesday May 17, 2005
Willows Bch, Windsurfing
Tuesday May 17, 2005
Toys Used:
Willows Bch, Windsurfing
E 10 - 20 crap, stics, 3 ft rollers
1.50 hours
HiFly Free 266 108 L Ezzy Wave 5.5
Willows is kinda like Esquimalt, if it sucks "sucks" just doesn't describe it, but if it works it's great.
First 30 min of TOW was non planing seaweed hell. You are trying to work upwind in straight onshore conditions, then gust comes in you bear off and then realize that you have whole bunch of seaweed on your fin! Jump down, clean up the fin, waterstart (in 5 min if you are lucky) and the story repeats. :twisted:
At about quoter to 8 PM I was thinking about leaving, but it picked up a notch, I went out, it picked up another notch, and then filled up nicely! Fully powered 5.5 session for an hour or so, just had to stay on the outside to avoid seaweed crap.