Log Started: Tuesday July 27, 2004
Total Records: 35
This Year: 0
Saturday May 21, 2005
Long Beach, Windsurfing
Saturday May 21, 2005
Toys Used:
Long Beach, Windsurfing
SE 8 - 16 2 Meter Swell
2.00 hours
Starboard Go 165 Ezzy 5.2
I used the Go board to surf and the wind when when it was there. Sometimes the wind was strong while others I was barely powered up enough to get out past the break. Lost of fun and huge waves!! I had one wave that was the height of the sail roaring in heavy just behind me: most waves were about my height on the front side. It is such a blast buzzing up and down the slopes. I am hooked on wave windsurfing!
I was exhausted for two days after this session!!
About noon the sets were higher before the wind became stronger and even more gusty(with lots of rain) by the late afternoon.