Secret Spot

General discussions about windsurfing: equipment, setup tips, problems, where to go, where you should have been, lost and found
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Secret Spot

Post by Please.... »

For the love of God, someone please tell me (and only me) where the
"SECRET SPOT" is. And no "it wouldn't be a secret if ...blah". Or give hints and make me figure it out. Then you won't really be blowing it.

Post by Guest »

Sure, I'll tell you. You drive along saanich road south and park at the galloping goose trail crossing. There is a great lake for windsurfing, called Swan Lake. You can launch on the east side of the lake where a dock comes out from the trail. Things to watch out for are shallow water, seaweed, and wildlife. The wind can come from all directions depending on the conditions. The time to go is when all other areas are reporting no wind. Please keep this area under wraps because I don't want it to get overcrowded like so many of the other sites around victoria such as cook street, willows, gords, or island view.

Your Friend,

Wind Ripper
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat May 08, 2004 6:38 pm
Location: NEVER NEVER LAND (Victoria BC)

The Spot is located at...........

Post by PhatBuddhA »

Where you really want to go is the "Mud Puddle" This is THE SPOT and only a few select individuals know about this location. Keep an eye on the forecast for above normal precipitation and then you head out towards Langford, you turn right on Mud Puddle Lane just after Goldstream Rd. Drive for about 3.45799854 km's and then you should see a rather large circular lake/puddle. The wind is really great here! Just like Swan Lake you get wind from all directions. It's perfect for wanna be kiteboarders to learn because no matter where you get t-bagged or dragged will always end up on the shore where you can relaunch and head back to where you came from. This is a great spot for testing new equipment and I think this is the secret headquarters for many new kiteboarding innovations. Windsurfers are not allowed here.
Wind Conditions: Gusty and sometimes down right Breezy
Cautions: Small mutated water fowl and Langford locals
When to go: After a large rainfall
I love to windboard and think about the complexity of baby seagulls insatiable appetites to eat garbage on the beach, roads and sidewalks.


Post by Thanks »

Awesome guys...
Thanks for brightening up my day.
Pretty much what I expected.
Take it easy.
Feeling Sorry For New Guy

Secret Spot

Post by Feeling Sorry For New Guy »

Dude - it's a joke. Look at a Map. Unlike surfing, there are no secret windsurfing/kiteboarding spots. Unless you have special access to Rocky Point (hint hint)....


Post by Thanks »

Don't worry about me. I'm not feeling sorry for myself. I liked your replies. Exactly what I would have done, but thanks for the hint.
You're right about being new though. I'm new to town and not quite ready for Cook Street. I saw some pictures of "secret spot". Looks like a good place for beginners.
Thanks a lot (no sarcasm)

Post by MMMike »

If you're looking for a beginner's site, check out Elk Lake.
heavy local

Post by heavy local »

dude shut the h up about spot s or youll have to face the wrath of the swan crew. ya you heard me.

Post by Guest »

You can see here that swan lake can get quite crowded at times so pick your time wisely. Also the water is always flat. The wind usually never creates any waves or ripples.

Post by knowitall »

go to top of page, latest reports, S island or island map button, the blue dots marked as "sailing sites" should give you a very good clue. you will be welcome, greeted and treated as a fellow wsurf/ksurf type at any spot, unlike some surf spots where you may need to tape your knuckles before entering the line up.
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