Wetsuit Repair

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Mike D
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Wetsuit Repair

Unread post by Mike D »

Does anyone know where to go for wetsuit repairs on Southern Vancouver Island?
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Unread post by winddoctor »

White's Diving on Blanshard in Victoria. They did a great job on my wetsuit.
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Thanks for the info.

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Thanks for the recommendation Winddoctor, I'll try them out.
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Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »

Sea Tux in Lantzville makes great dive suits and may also do repairs (call to confirm). I am really happy with the boots and hood I bought from them. Friendly service. Conveniently on the way to CB!

Sea-Tux Diving Ltd 7439 Industrial, Lantzville, BC
(250) 390-1122

edit: I just found this on CoastalBC.com:
Sea-Tux Diving Ltd 7439 Industrial, Lantzville
(250) 390-1122 fast, quality wetsuit repairs
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Unread post by SMACK »

Rips or seems are easily repaired with a product called, "Goop." Dries in a few hours at room temperature. Can be messy if you are disfunctional. :?
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Unread post by KUS »

Depending on the age of the suit and extent of damage sometimes doing it yourself is the better option. Small new sections are easy to glue into place (cut from worn booties or another suit). Even large tears are easy to repair. I have stitched up old suits in the field with dental floss and used the GOOP or better yet, the proper suit sealer, aquaseal, you can buy at MEC for $5. If zippers are gone usually it's over :cry:
Of course if you can't be seen with a scar on the suit, well, buy new :P It's oply money :roll:
Last edited by KUS on Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Ridelikehell »

Goop is good but Aquaseal is better as it is made specifically for repairing wetsuits and is more flexible than goop after it dries. If you need to use extra neoprene, put it on the outside of the suit so it doesn't mess with your skin.
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Unread post by macghillechearr »

Bosun's Locker carries Bare's Wetsuit cement. Works well, I have a suit that has knees of this stuff. It's easy to use as well.

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Self repair

Unread post by Mike D »

Maybe I should attempt to repair it myself with all the helpful suggestions. Here is my dilemma: The suit is only 1/2 a year old with a half dozen uses, and is in excellent shape..so I don't want to do a botch job. I cut the suit 4 inches across the thigh with my fin...doh! The cut is not on a seem and doesn't go all the way through, there is approximately 1 or 2 mm of material still holding it together.

If I did attempt it myself, should I be using some sort of special elasticated stitching so as not to effect the stretchiness of the suit.

Any thoughts would be helpful.
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Unread post by downwind dave »

i would hit it with aquaseal wetsuit cement and cap it with a "seam tape" strip of black nylon material stolen from the wife's undie drawer. Make sure you let it dry before sticking stuff together as per the instructions. If that doesnt work youll just have to make a shortie or start wearing the surf shorts over top. :lol:
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