Kook St kite launching video

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Kook St kite launching video

Unread post by ToesideT »

Looks like we may get some strong winds this week- quick reminder for the 'new crew' at Kook St


From last summer. These 2 eager chaps did not heed the other kiters warnings of gusty winds that day. They were also told it was way windier than it looked, and the kite was a little big. They decided to launch anyway- that of course made me grab my camera.

Note- the kite pulled/lofted 2 people off the ground holding onto kite when it got near overhead. Imagine if the second guy wasnt hanging on- that could have been a big loft for one guy.

For the new kiters at Kook St- be safe. Ask and listen to/from the experienced kiters on the beach-if they say its very gusty on the beach- consider not going out, and help others launch and recover- it is a great way to learn. Watch for getting lofted from putting a kite overhead and be aware of the possibility to injure yourself or a bystander from a bad launch. Easier said then done.

A friend reminded me that kiting has been banned on many beaches in the world after innocent bystanders were injured or a kiter died. We could face that at Kook St in the future if the city doesnt want to face possible liability issues from a bad accident, and that would really suck- for the whole community. Keep Kook Street Kitable- Keep safe.

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Unread post by ToesideT »

The kooks at Kook St on Saturday who did the triple loop kite launch- slam in the beach- nearly take out the couple on the beach: KOOK ST IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS!!!!
especially on a gusty NW wind. GO to Island View
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crazy stunts / beginners

Unread post by GWIND »

HEY Toeside now u know how everyone down wind of the kiters at nitnat feels like, all the time.
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Unread post by JL »

Great video ... Is that a Kook st. 'newbie alert' kite dog ? Seriously, newbies consider coming to I.V. on these S.E. days ... Teaching newbies is a great way to pass the time as we wait for wind. 8)
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by Sandy Beach »

Hey JL,
I'm a kiting newbie and helped you and some other veterans launch this morning, (and retrieve the kite outta the tree), while I waited for more wind for my 8M...but it never materialized. The 10 and 12 M kites just weren't staying up.
I miss the predictable, consistent summer thermals. I'm still trying to warm up.
Good reminder that Cook St/Dallas Rd is the local 'black diamond' conditions.
Life is all about balance, and a dose of healthy wind addiction
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kiting for newbies

Unread post by 57palm »

Hey guys Reuben here, I just feel I should add my 2 cents to the discussion. After one great season kiting and progress greater than I would have ever expected I now find myself no longer the "new" or "beginner" kiter. It would seem that torch has been passed onto a host of new locals looking for wind as Nitnhat has now ended. As I was warned and sometimes offended by comments regarding local spots and new kiters I shall pass the torch on.

For all you new kiters GET SOME LESSONS OR HELP FROM EXPERIENCED KITERS and STAY AWAY FROM COOK ST UNTIL YOU CAN STAY UPWIND!!!!! In the last month and especially week I have witnessed several things at local beaches that could have ended up in real disasters (you know who you are). This sport is relatively safe if approached correctly but has an edge that can be downright deadly if not respected.

As some of you newbies can attest to do not be afraid to ask for help or ask questions. If you are not the type of person to do the research (reading) yourself you better be prepared to get someone to teach you, I don't care who but get some instruction.

Regarding the Cook St thing, yeah it is kiteable for newbies with some hazards to watch for (reef, cliffs NW winds, pedestrians, kelp beds, narrow hot launch etc.) but as you are thinking, the main reason for avoidance is the combination of high visibility and innocent bystanders. I am sure any of us would regret a beach closing accident all for the sake of a little impatience in learning.

I respected what the experienced kiters told me and stayed away until I had a decent handle on things. As a result I have yet to have any incidents at Cook. I did make my share of mistakes but at a location with both a lower profile and greater margin of error.

Use common sense out there, good luck,

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Unread post by JL »

Personally I feel that 'newbies' are best using a buddy system & enjoying N. through S.E winds @ Island view ... The big advantages are the field for launching & the huge 'catchment area' created by Cordova spit (to the N.) ... Keep in mind as we move into fall that 'frontal' winds are inconsistent & watch for indications that the wind is dropping, increasing significantly or turning off shore ... A great time of year to pick up one of the fine weather books http://www.weatheroffice.pyr.ec.gc.ca/p ... ult_e.html from your local library ... Enjoy the fall kiting & play safe.
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by OneWayWard »

Hey all,

As a newbie, I first want to say thank you to those of you who have been patient with us who are learning the sport especially going downwind at the lake. Thank you also for passing on the knowledge you have gained through experience and from others. I don't want to go downwind anymore than you want me to be there but as we all know it is a part of learning the sport. I have taken lessons with Dwayne up at Nitinat and listened to experienced friends about when it is appropriate to go to Cook St. Therefore, out of respect and a fairly high level of self preservation, I have yet to go to cook st and kite.

I have definitely set a skill and confidence level I feel I should be at before heading to Cook st. I have also been relying on the knowledge of experienced kiters who know my skill level and listened to their recommendation.

In my opinion one should be very confident in launching/landing the kite as well as being able to tack back to the position you started. Also, I agree about listening to the experienced locals. Any other recommendations?

Again, thanks for being patient with those of us learning it is appreciated.
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Unread post by KUS »

I am afraid you can talk all you want about Kook and beginners but until a group lays down the law there and signage indicates "no beginners", ya ain't achieving anything :roll: it'll just be another guy that ocmes along.....
hey, on the up side (and not to try and jinx it), the beach is still open and seems we made it through another year :lol:
I almost launched the other day cuz it was nice and steady but light.....not sure if having the coastguard (or kayaks, eh, Ryan?) keep plucking people out of the water is a good thing either :idea:

I'm with JL, IV...sorta....lotsa people there or Cordova ....kelp....or San Pariel...ways off :arrow:
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