swine flu
swine flu
I warned you all about the aerosol program long ago, i warned you about the flu pandemic before it happened, i had good information from more than a month before, that they, who ever they are were going to start something around april 20, voila! listen people, the they are really doing this stuff, normal viruses mutate, if the one that shows up in france matches the one in mexico,.. then it has not mutated, which means it is man made and was released within the april 20 program from a us biolab, it is that simple, this is a man made virus released into the general population through an aerosol l spraying program period. anyhow, here is some new info i came across, the project is actually called global shield or project cloverleaf, oh and on friday sept 18 2009 i bumped into a canadian naval intelligence officer here in victoria who confirmed it's existence ! god help us all. www.holmestead.ca/chemtrails/shieldproject.html take care all sooo? have all of you been watching the skies.....just an addendum..and this is very important because this guy has filed suit against the US gov't, that speach by Obama today was such BS it makes me sick, you do not, and i repeat ! you do not get to the presidency of the USA unless you are vetted by first the Bilderbergers, ie the rockerfellers, the roschilds and who is in power above them, so this is all false BS with a very big B, I know, i used to work within that club on another hand here is a link to a guy who is really good , has a history unlike me, and credentials to prove what he says...so, people..www. fluscam.com/ affidavit
Surfing outside of Platos cave, searching for Blue Skies.